
Vintersorg said:
hahaha...well, it's a fair remark but it seems that every time we're nearly there we have yet another setback that put us at square ONE..hopefully our new webmaster can fix it and put it's very sad for us as well as for the people who seeks info about our activities.

mr V

I vote for Draugen to be the new webmaster eheh!!!
Bon said:
I vote for Draugen to be the new webmaster eheh!!!

I don't...
The thing is that I'm moving in about a week. And I will probably have no access to the net for...I don't know how long. The thing is that I don't even know where I will move, since I have no money nor a job. Yes, I am bit depressed right now :p

Oh, and don't expect any updates on the Trollskog-page for quite some time either, since...well, you understand.
Draugen said:
I don't...
The thing is that I'm moving in about a week. And I will probably have no access to the net for...I don't know how long. The thing is that I don't even know where I will move, since I have no money nor a job. Yes, I am bit depressed right now :p

Oh, and don't expect any updates on the Trollskog-page for quite some time either, since...well, you understand.

I feel for you Draugen, I've been there myself before, it's tough to keep your head up.

I don't know what the job scene over in your neck of the woods is like, but keep your chin up. I'm sure something will come up soon mate.

Stay positive :)
Draugen said:
I don't...
The thing is that I'm moving in about a week. And I will probably have no access to the net for...I don't know how long. The thing is that I don't even know where I will move, since I have no money nor a job. Yes, I am bit depressed right now :p

Oh, and don't expect any updates on the Trollskog-page for quite some time either, since...well, you understand.

Good Luck ( I rember well..Lycka Till!) for the future Draugen! Hope to see you online soon! You will surely find a work..try as a webmaster eheh!
I didn't know either blind guardian had a new website , but this knew design is great, very dark and spooky :goggly: And it's also a while ago they came to my country to play
Yes it's about Demons & Wizards. but I know something that has got everything ( well not everything) to do with Lord of the Rings.
I bet Blind Guardian won't write a song about this little story :grin:

So I don't know about you guys but I'm getting really anxious...WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING WITH THE HOMEPAGE???I mean really...It's been almost three (3!!!!!1!!11one!) months since it was 'announced'...I don't want to be annoying but hey, I personally have been checking the website url on a friggin' daily basis and the whole thing really makes me a bit sad:/So Mr. V, please ''egg's plane''...When's it comming?and don't just say 'it's comming soon' for pete's sake...I mean really what's happening?why isn't it up yet?What's the real reason behind this mystery?Why isn't it up yet?when will it be?tomorrow?next week?next year?WHAT'S GOING ON!?!

you're still the greatest mr. V!:*