Album news

Hello, mr. V! Thanks for the news! I've been dying for some for months now:p My most anticipated album of 07 aswell...but also 06:D

Thanks again for the update! Can't wait for the thing to come out.
. A more ethnic approach is obvious but still with a fresh vibe as we see it ourselves, hymn-like passages mixed with soothing parts, acoustic guitars are present as well as harsh black metal elements;
Sounds great, like the old V.s. mixed with new?
Finally some good news in the beginning of this year
As translated by Draugen (thanks again!):

Sure thing - they're quite difficult to translate though, but I'll give it a try...
"Kosmosaik" - don't know actually, but I assume it would be something like "Cosmosaic", but I'm not sure.

"Naturens Mystär" - Also really difficlut, but it would probably be something like "The Enigma Of Nature" or "The Mystery Of Nature".

Also, for the last ones, I'm not sure if it's one, two or more titles but I'm assuming there's two of them, namely:
"Vad Aftonvindens Andning Viskar" - "What The Breath Of The Evening(or Dusk)wind Whispers"

"Spirar Och Gror" - "Spires And Grows"

"Strålar" - "Rays" or "Beams"

I do have to point out again that I'm not sure wheter it's one, two or three songs in the end, but I think (and hope) that my analysis is correct.