Well fucking hell...

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I was just in a fender bender where I was at fault. Rear ended some dame in an Audi TT :lol: :erk:

I've been on the receiving end of two fender benders in the past three years where I let the drivers go Scott free. It seems as if Karma is just a load of bullshit. One small nick 3 millimeters wide and an inch long. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, along with my insurance rates. The dame said she was going to decide on how to proceed with the matter after she got her luxury V-8 2 door washed, waxed, and buffed. Much like what I would like to have done to her vagine. Yes siree, she wasn't too bad looking, and was very amicable throughout.

In other news, my job has hit the absolute rock bottom in co-worker to co-worker relations. It has got to the point where five of my peers along with myself are going to request a meeting to call out our supervisor on blatant favoritism. This doesn't seem like it will bode well for any involved.

Life...Arghhh :erk:
The wife has been in an accident every June for the past three years. Each car was totalled.
haha yeah, she was only cited in one of them though and it was only half-fault at that.
I just remembered the third one wasnt totalled. It was the Subaru. Months before she had run into something and smashed her passenger side mirror. It just so happened that, when her latest collision occured, the person smashed into that side, leading the Subaru-fixer-uppers to replace the already broken mirror on the offender's insurance's dime. haha
That bothered my conscience though................................................for about 3 seconds.
a good friend of mine's wife loves collisions also ... they bought a Benz 3 years ago ... since then, 2 accidents that were repairable and the latest blunder totaled the car. sucked though as it was valued less than what they owed so not only he lost the car, but he had to fork over $3k from his own pocket.
hahahahahaha oh shit!
A good example of why it's pointless to have a really nice car unless you're so rich you can just pay cash for it.
I raped the side of a parked car once. I was driving a boat at the time (1993 F-150.) It was 5 in the morning and I had to hurry up and get home, and pretty much scraped the shit out of this guys car, pulled back in, tried to correct it and did it again, hahaha. I finally backed out, and was about to just leave, and I noticed this big black guy staring at me. So I get out of my boat, and he keeps asking me what he's supposed to do because he has to go to work in 5 minutes. I was scared for my life. I was at an apartment complex near the projects and there's this big black guy staring me down. I wasn't sure if I was going to get shot, stabbed, or raped. Luckily after we exchanged information he said there probably wouldn't be an insurance claim on it, and that was the last of that. So glad I didn't die.
It's fucking bullshit how rich snobby motherfuckers can't let a hairline scratch go. No fucking body damage whatsoever, aside from a Susperia sized pubic paint chip that can only be noticed if you had your glass eye windexed the night before. I guaranGoddamntee she'll probably end up having the entire bumper replaced which will force me to pay a 1,000 deductible. Oy vey!
It's fucking bullshit how rich snobby motherfuckers can't let a hairline scratch go. No fucking body damage whatsoever, aside from a Susperia sized pubic paint chip that can only be noticed if you had your glass eye windexed the night before. I guaranGoddamntee she'll probably end up having the entire bumper replaced which will force me to pay a 1,000 deductible. Oy vey!

If someone else dents my car no matter how lightly they sure as hell will have to pay for the damage. A small scratch may mean much rust in the future, but the big issue is that noone fucking breaks my stuff for free. Not even a little.
I got bumped by some bandana wearing chollo today at the stop light and the fucker peeled out around behind me and took off. Only managed to grab two digits off his license plate before he was out of range, but it doesn't look like he did any damage to my car. Two feet tall Mexicans should not be allowed to drive SUV's unless they have a beaner carseat.
I've caused over $3000 worth of damage to my parents' cars this summer and paid for it all in a very responsible fashion to get them fixed

but that sucks because it means i can't afford to get a decent car for myself now
If someone else dents my car no matter how lightly they sure as hell will have to pay for the damage. A small scratch may mean much rust in the future, but the big issue is that noone fucking breaks my stuff for free. Not even a little.

Yeah, but he's living in LA. Your car is SUPPOSED to stay between you and the crazy people. When you live in a big city, your car simply will always be smashed to shit, even when its parked, so you should learn to just let it slide unless the car loses functionality or safety.
My front fender is still smashed in from a minor accident months ago, but yeah , in the crazy city it's bound to happen again so I let it slide. When I lived out in the country I tried to fix everything because damage is rare, but now, what's the point?!

Also my car has accumulated plenty of hail damage here too, IT GIVES IT CHARACTER.
Fuck somebody needs to revoke my license before I kill somebody. It's a dark, dank, acidic rain fallen day in the City of Agua Dulce. As I was arriving to the homestead two minutes ago, a Sparkletts Drinking Water delivery fan had cut off my normal 90yz slant post pattern route in which I normally take to the favela of my dismay. Being that I'm an impatient American who can't wait a fraction of a second for the van to pass by, I proceed to the next block and make a left on a green light, as I notice that no cars were approaching at the time. As I turn to make a left, out of thin air appears a middle aged Mexican who more than likely arrived in this country not less than a month ago. I brake in order to avoid the collision that would crumble my pocketbook like a seventh string concubine on Constantine's Byzantine man-rind. He shuffles forward out of the way of my oncoming jalopy with the agility of a gazelle on the plains of the Serengeti. Feeling like a cad, I throw my hand up to say "hello", in a silent gesture of "Welcome to my land". He in turn just smiles back grateful to be in a country that offers health care to all.

Fuck!!!!!! I've been driving for 9 years with no accidents. Now this week alone I've been in a fender bender and came inches away from committing vehicular manslaughter. Good fucking shite!!! I might have to go back to riding the subway with all the guitar heroes.