What about most uplifting song you know?

Ha ha- FS the drama queen! I feel the long hours at work are getting to you! And now you caught the forum virus- so you are truly one of us now.:heh:

Kenneth- great pictures- cool suit! And your girl looks stunning. So where were those pictures taken? Such a barren landscape. Could have been for a Paradise Lost photoshoot (remember the old days...)
Highlands of Iceland. :) Actually, the one where we are jumping is a beach on the south shore. There are many more photos of glaciers, rivers, waterfalls. It was very beautiful there. Nice people too.
Dude, Kenneth,, we haven't met, but oh, the wonders of Internet snooping: You've been "here" for ages and you're clearly a prolific poster. Maybe I'll catch up in a few decades :) Again, congrats. Super to see happy people. I try to make sad people happy for a living. That's a whole different can o' people, but I love them very much.

Yeah, Nathalie, okay: Guilty as Charged. But I want to be a drama King; I'm not Mr. Mercury. Can you dig it? Huh? We'll have to talk 'bout this Queen thang. It just doesn't quite capture my brand of silliness. And, yep, I am truly one of, well, "you" or y'all now. I diagnose my new activities as subclinical HyperPostia. My mental status? Full-blown Orphan, may my parents live long and well--different thang, jeez.

Well, alright, some more drama? :waah: Like y'all give a hoot? Still, a Confession :Saint::

I'm known as Hill in the real world. Please, y'all, call me "Hill" rather than my bass-handle. If one of my patients finds me here, that'll just be grist for the mill. Never, ever, call me Doc. Please? Thanx.


@FS: I had to remove them because of one paranoid arsehole.


I can refer him/her/it to an excellent proctologist. He actually managed to convince one of my most violent paranoid schizophrenic patients to submit to a much-needed colonoscopy: A psychologically-minded proctologist is hard to find.

Wild, Anton. Totally nuts...I like it. But I don't think it would be approved by even the most liberal Imam, no? Whatever: Nice stuff.

Dig that new avatar of yours: It's like something out of the Rorsharch, but better.

Who cares? Any social institution, including religious ones, either changes to fit the society or becomes an abuse.

I was just ranting about the (oh, roughly) same topic.

WHO CARES? Excellent! I don't. One of my favorite pursuits is slaying retrograde ideas and I've paid for that. Beats taking it like a slave.

I'm not a number: I'm a free man!

Kickass rap.
Who cares? Any social institution, including religious ones, either changes to fit the society or becomes an abuse.

John Lennon's song Imagine comes to mind. "Imagine no religion...no Hell below us; above us only sky. Imagine all the people, living life in peace...." Lennon wasn't necessary slamming Faith--imagine living through life's trials without faith in something that transcends the mere material, supernatural or natural--something transcendent; but he was beating on religion, the social institution, if it refuses to evolve, just like you put it. Soon, it will be in our hands and our childrens' to take care of this evolution/change matter: The fanatics of this generation will be gone. We will have to do whatever it takes to shut up the fanatics of the future because, like the flu, they always recur seasonally.

This is interesting. Maybe because I'm so wiped out..."not necessarily stoned, but...beautiful" (Jimi Hendrix).

Durn, yeah! Thanx, man. What's that, a drum-instructional vid? I love how they show all the rest of the ensemble.

ESPECIALLY the bass! That's why I play so much funk (albeit more funk-rock than this type of jazzified funk): The bass is in yo face, and y'all know you like it.

Awesome groove, Anton. I like it a lot.

Here's a funk-bass-class for y'all from the man who invented slap bass, my Teacher, Lord and Savior Larry Graham (yep, he came before flea, Wooten, et al. :goggly:) may He Live Long and Prosper, Amen.

Awww, they wouldn't let me embed the OG Graham Central Station flick. Whatev,' it's kinda lo-fi anyhow.


Check out how he makes that poor jazz bass scream like Hendrix' strat while he slaps, pops and beats the living daylight outta it. Nobody's quite figured out how he gets those otherworldly sounds outta his four-string. Yeah, distortion helps, phaser helps, but nobody's been able to do that with any bleeding pedals, 'cause it's all in the Master's fingers:

Funk Bass!! That's what I do.

Larry Graham invented the technique. Love it or...yeah.

And I got me a new, BLUE Jazz Bass five-string (low B string's so sweet) for ChanuChristmaKwanzEid. I wanted that in blue: My Stingray5 is black & blonde; my Warwick Corvette Std. fiver is stained a cool...black; my nutball Korean four-string fretless is red (great with Middle Eastern music, w/those 1/4 tones); my "I'll burn this on stage one day" beater-bass fiver is, yeah, black. Cookie Monster color time! Anybody who wants to talk bass, write me any time. I don't give a f@@@ if anyone records me for any label: Unlike my GFs, this one never goes away. And each bass has a different sound, a different feel, a different, well, vibe. I rest my case. Until I get another one.


I'm not playing it until the festivities commence.


P.S.: Lord only knows how he can sing and play that mind-warped stuff simultaneously.
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That's an awesome maestro bassissimo FS. Thanks for sharing.

Now, myself singing Russian classics somewhere in Scandinavia last summer:

Thank you, my brother.

It means tons to me when the man who taught the world how to slap bass gets respect.

You're welcome.... I was delighted to find the thang on YOUTUBE. Funny: In Japan, rockers are nuts about the electric bass. It ain't all about gui-tard (yeah! F that) shredding to them at all. That's why the performance I posted is in Japan, with all the musicians 'cept for Mr. Graham Japanese! Dang, that chick has some pipes!

Yep, the bass rules in Japan. Interesting thing, that one. I need to ask my rock sociologist friend (so help me God) over @ Kent State about this.

Now, hey! You do them Ruskie classics justice, even in Scandibrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnavia! Yep, my mom's dad, RIP, came on over to this nutjob USA from Moscow. Mother Russian songs are good; spasiva! I've got a CD with Russian folk-songs that I like tons; I play it every time I remember something about maternal-gramps. I was thinking of arranging them tunes for hard rock or heavier, though...picture that, Anton! Homes, did you have a few pints prior to your recording session? What's the fav brew up yer way?

Now go and puke into the Volga if you don't like the pic of Russian folk-metal.

@FS: Responded here: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/orphaned-land/487128-introducing-ourselves-5.html#post8745488

I think it would be nice to keep all off-topics in one thread.


Good Morning from Missouri,

Shooooooooooooooot, WTF, man? I read, travel, inquire and know an above-average (for an American, yeah) amount of info about the climate in Scandinavia (granted, not as well as you; you live in the region, correct?) and, like my comments about hurling into the Volga, was bloody joking. Sadly, Russia has one of (if not) the worst alcoholism epidemics worldwide. So mine was a somewhat vulgar joke. Well I guess I'm doomed to hell for that?

I ran a psych unit for dually diagnosed (i.e., addicted and mentally ill) people for two years in Appalachian Kentucky, so don't, if you please, have me pegged as some idiot who doesn't have a clue as to what alcohol (ETOH) can do to the human body. One young woman died in the middle of group therapy right in front of my eyes from liver and kidney failure. Many others died while I worked there, and as much as the staff and I tried, there was nothing we could do. For some folks, the hospital was a revolving door until detox didn't cut it any more, not even with ED/ER intervention.

No, I don't expect a prize for my service. But I wish to show you that I'm sensitive to these issues but like all of us, slip up on occasion. Had I known my meaningless-in-the-scheme-of-things ol' scribble'd send you into a frenzy, I wouldn't do it: I enjoy exchanging ideas, tunes, and such w/you here and have no intent to offend any of your sensibilities, many of which I still do not know. Hell hath no fury!

Anyhow...I'm writing here, given your admonition about the thread (and you are the moderator, correct? I got that sense). And this won't be a private msg, b/c I didn't get one from you. You blew your top @ me in this public forum for reasons that I'm sure make perfect sense to you; I think I get it too, to a degree. So I'm responding in the same forum. I'd appreciate if you didn't flame the living daylight outta me. I'll do my best to avoid ticking you off, but it can happen. We're human, even us nice peeps. GD it to....

I clearly pressed some button with my drinking joke, my man, 'cause: a) You didn't sound drunk in that famous recording; it just seemed like you were @ a party and it all seemed spontaneous and friendly. You know you sounded sober; I know it. b) Although not straight-edge like you w/Re to drinking ETOH, I do not get drunk. I have a drink or two about once p/mo and my liver enzymes are fine subsequently. c) I have no religious, ethical, or professional issues with light drinking. So I didn't realize I'd light your fire in this dept. d) Can we be friends again now?

Now I'm going to check your downright firebreathing post to see if I missed something. And I'm not doing that tit for tat: I've no quarrel with you; on the contrary, as I wrote. But I'd hate to leave something bad between us.

Whatever, man. I just feel bad. I apologize for offending you; I'm man enough to apologize and I'm sure that when the time comes that you offend me (tough to do), you will be too.

Can We Leave This Behind Us? It All Started with a Joke we Shared.

Take Care,

Sounds like a holy war. Please read my message in absolutely neutral tone - I was not offended and I did not mean to offend or "blow top". When looking through threads I imagine I am a newbie here - and looking through a newbie's glasses I find it enormously difficult to get useful information from threads with massive flame and off-topic.

PS: Macedonian folk song by a Serbian band from Norway:

(hehe, I was taking this video when dancing)
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Sounds like a holy war. Please read my message in absolutely neutral tone - I was not offended and I did not mean to offend or "blow top". When looking through threads I imagine I am a newbie here - and looking through a newbie's glasses I find it enormously difficult to get useful information from threads with massive flame and off-topic.

Bro,' I'm a newbie here--bigtime! Look at my "draft date." I try to give and get useful information and encounter difficulties, too. It gets better, I'm certain.

No, this isn't a holy war. We don't do those, Anton, am I right? No war. I don't want any war. If I did, there are much more nasty things I could be doing "on behalf of my Nation" or just as some thug on the street.

I'm here because the ideas thrown around this forum appeal to me greatly, and because Orphaned Land's my favorite band for reasons that we probably share.

Oh, boy, and now here I am on the "What about [sic] most uplifting song you know?" thread, and my lil' diary humbly submitted surely doesn't fit.

But, you know, we've covered plenty of "uplifting song" mileage on this thread, so in that respect, this may in fact be the proper place to smoke (hey hey, I quit smoking after high-school) the Peace Pipe.

Holy Wars are for the real Infidels. I'll have no part in any of those and I know you won't either.


@ Anton,

Are you just singing in that deep voice or do you talk that deep? :D That kinda cracked me up as I could only imagine a Russian dude doing that dance [dunno what its called] :D
Heehehe, like Ukrainian-Polish-Russian "Hopak/Gopak/Krakowyak" dance?

I sing in baritone and rich growling and I talk lighter than I sing. Yep, I put the video here because it's funny. If you spoke Russian you would hear that I'm also singing some shit instead of original lyrics. I used to sing Russian classics and occasional American musical music and Italian opera in my vocal classes during my Bachelor years back in 2003-2004.
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