What about most uplifting song you know?

Heehehe, like Ukrainian-Polish-Russian "Hopak/Gopak/Krakowyak" dance?

I sing in baritone and rich growling and I talk lighter than I sing. Yep, I put the video here because it's funny. If you spoke Russian you would hear that I'm also singing some shit instead of original lyrics. I used to sing Russian classics and occasional American musical music and Italian opera in my vocal classes during my Bachelor years back in 2003-2004.

I sing in bass and talk about the same. Choosing an instrument was thus a no-brainer. I always picked out the bass parts in music first, even before puberty.

No, I don't speak Russian. It, along with German, served my folks well when they wanted to talk "privately" when I was around as a kid. Shucks! But if neuro-linguistic research is even half-right Re this, I should have less trouble learning those languages, due to heavy exposure to the "templates." However, I have no desire to relocate to Russia or Germany and might not be able to move anywhere thanks to GW's economic legacy (so many great legacies; one great man :mad:). Plus "the world" probably "thinks" that all my countryfolk are monsters. I swear we ain't...not all of us.

So are you a classically trained singer? Do you perform...don't get me wrong, that was a performance, but, y'know :lol:

@ Anton, you're huge ! If you had a squeaky voice, that would be hilarious!

Actually so would the old man as the kvlt metal listening, clean shaven[head] shrink :D <--> I didn't know you were a Psychiatrist, I assumed most shrinks were just Psychologists.
@ Anton, you're huge ! If you had a squeaky voice, that would be hilarious!

Actually so would the old man as the kvlt metal listening, clean shaven[head] shrink :D <--> I didn't know you were a Psychiatrist, I assumed most shrinks were just Psychologists.

Hi Ananth,

I'm curious: This is the second time you've referred to me as an "old man." I'm not sure that I'm that cool with that title, even though I am certain you're playing; maybe after I sleep on it. Dude, you're not going to be 17 forever. Let's not be ageist, then, okay? I talk to you like you're an adult rather than an adolescent although I'm a specialist in adolescent mental-health and see many 17-year-old patients, give or take a year. Why not talk to me and about me like I'm an adult, rather than a geriatric adult? I prefer that. Thanks.

As for your piece on Psychology/Psychiatry:

You are writing out of a misconception. I'm aware of it, as my closest colleague and friend, a psychiatrist, is from India. He described how the field is organized there, and, yes, it's very different than in the USA. He likes how it's done here a lot better, which must explain why he puts up with living here.

In the USA, things are very different in mental health. Psychiatrists deal w/the medical aspects of mental-illness, and have very little training in psychotherapy and testing. They have no research training and do not write a dissertation. They are the doctoral medical experts in the multidisciplinary treatment team.

Clinical psychologists deal with the, well, psychological aspects of mental health (psychotherapy and testing). They have very little training in medicine. They have ample research training and write dissertations. They are the doctoral applied behavioral science experts in the multidisciplinary treatment team.

So, yes, the two doctoral-level professionals sit at the head of the table for staffings and other meetings. That speaks volumes about "status," although to me it's all really silly.

I am a clinical psychologist, not "Just a Psychologist." You see, unlike in many other countries, my profession: (a) Requires usually more years of post-Bachelor's training than psychiatry (an average of 7-10). Furthermore, psychologists do not receive their doctorate until the end of their training, while psychiatrists do after four years. (b) Is more selective with applicants (yes! Only 2-3% offered admission per accredited school) than medical schools, that are also selective, just less so. (c) Has complete parity, as a doctoral-level healthcare profession, with psychiatry. In other words, we are recruited by physician recruiters and receive the same benefits. We do what we do and don't do what they do; they do what they do and don't do what we do. But we're on the same plane in the (rather silly, often) hierarchy.

People often get confused and say, "Yeah, but psychologists don't prescribe." Yes, that's typically true, sans extra training. However, that's sort of like saying, "But electricians can't fix building foundations." Yes, true: Every profession has its specialization. Psychiatrists don't provide psychotherapy sans extra training, for instance.

Most importantly: USA Psychiatrists don't conduct evidence-based psychotherapy or testing, nor do they have the immense statistical training required to write that durn dissertation. USA Psychologists don't conduct evidence-based medical treatment or testing. The National Institutes of Health have found, after years of research, that mental illness responds much better to a combination of psychiatric and psychological treatment (psychiatry provides the fish, psychology teaches how to fish...oversimplification, but close). This combo has been found in rigorous research to significantly increase the odds that a person with mental illness with recover. In other words, the "drug therapy" and the "talk therapy" interact synergistically. Each treatment alone is inferior to the two types combined. Also, just like in regular learning, in psychotherapy, your brain is irreversably rewired, while the effect of psychotropic drugs is temporary. fMRI (functional MRI) and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) research displays the aforesaid effect of evidence-based psychotherapy. There is no longer any doubt that psychologists, rather than psychiatrists, permanently change ailing brains. Psychiatrists, with their prescriptions, stabilize the patient so that s/he is able to benefit from psychological treatment, as well as throughout life, if the disease is chronic and needs periodic medical and psychological management.

Consider successful psychological treatment for major depression as a "depression bypass." Why? Because the scans show that healthy brain cells develop in the formerly malfunctioning region as therapy moves along. This is huge, and wonderful news for everyone who even remotely knows how devastating mental illness is for the patient and the family.

Additionally, clinical psychologists are far more likely to have predoctoral research master's degrees, further equipping them to conduct research. Most psychiatrists rely on other people to conduct their research. There's lots of variance, but I have two (predoctoral, obviously) research master's degrees. Furthermore, while med schools require an A/B college average for consideration for admission, psychology schools require an A average.

This is how it is in the US. In some countries, psychologists' entry degree is merely the master's.

Oh, and I have a lot of training in behavioral medicine and neurosciences, so the lines blur even further. But forget this paragraph.
Hi Ananth,

I'm curious: This is the second time you've referred to me as an "old man." I'm not sure that I'm that cool with that title, even though I am certain you're playing; maybe after I sleep on it. Dude, you're not going to be 17 forever. Let's not be ageist, then, okay? I talk to you like you're an adult rather than an adolescent although I'm a specialist in adolescent mental-health and see many 17-year-old patients, give or take a year. Why not talk to me and about me like I'm an adult, rather than a geriatric adult? I prefer that. Thanks.

:( Now that I know, I shall refrain from doing so. Maybe that stems from the fact that when I first started going for shows, I was by far the youngest kid around and I used to have this little banter with this metalhead, whose son was older than me, with me referring to him as grandpa. We cool?

Now I'm clearer with the Psychology-Psychiatry bit. When I said Just a psychologist, I meant the non-prescription [and physiological if you might like?] aspect to the job, not to mock it in any way. I guess there's more to it than I'd known.
:( Now that I know, I shall refrain from doing so. Maybe that stems from the fact that when I first started going for shows, I was by far the youngest kid around and I used to have this little banter with this metalhead, whose son was older than me, with me referring to him as grandpa. We cool?

Now I'm clearer with the Psychology-Psychiatry bit. When I said Just a psychologist, I meant the non-prescription [and physiological if you might like?] aspect to the job. I guess there's more to it than I'd known.

The site's acting odd today, refusing me entry...so I lost a resp I wrote for your msg.

Ananth, I understand. I just didn't want to grumble to myself about the small matter when I was sure, knowing you (albeit little; this is just the Internet, alas) that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation. Plus, I'm just human and, I confess, I'm a bit sensitive today. Rough day. We all have them. So I figured that it would be mature of me (old men are mature :lol:) to check under the hood.

And your response did not surprise me, because it was one that I would expect from a person I've corresponded with for "ages" now and come to appreciate as a very intelligent person. Age? I don't care except that I'm careful not to date underage women, which would not be an issue here. As for the "adults" teasing you about your age and youth and what-not, man, it depends on how it rubs you.

If they overdo it, well.... Look, I test lots, right? One of those tests is the IQ test. I also conduct lots of personality tests. Tons of number crunching, and the data that comes out is statistically very reliable. You strike me as having a high IQ: You're very articulate, you grasp cultural nuances from places across the planet from you, you're inquisitive, you read a lot (and not comix).... It's okay to admit what you know: You're smart. So how about you tell the bloke who's so proud of his age that "there's chronological age and intellectual age," and you'll be happy to brain-wrestle him on the intellectual age piece any day. See, that's because it would be a no-brainer who'd win :Smug: Don't be ashamed: Have some fun with dumb people if they offend you. Otherwise, I'd suggest you take pity and refer them to a kind veterinarian.

Thank you for reading my book chapter about America's two doctoral mental-health professions. I'm very committed to mine, naturally, because I had to bust a** to get from a-z, and because I love seeing emotionally wrecked people get better. It's a very difficult, often dangerous job, but I'd do it without pay. Ever since I was in elementary school, this is the career I wanted. Naturally, I expected to be the president of Harvard by now, but, well, otherwise, I'm not too far from my childhood reveries. Life's good.

Now after all this, if you still feel an irresistable urge to call me "metal gramps; rock n' groaner; metalskinpa," hey, give it your best shot. You're a good guy, IMHO. Me? I've been through some weird stuff and apparently have nine lives. That leaves me with about 5 more.


Hill the Elder
Santur + Stockholm metro = Russian classics again o_O


You are torturing me, my friend! No, ow, darn, ouch, stop it! I do not use the Metro here b/c I dare not, but when I lived in Chicago for a while with its filthy "El," and even in the DC-area with its squeaky-clean "Metro" system, the rule for all non-suicidal people was this: "Do NOT make eye-contact, neither on the platform nor on the train. Never initiate conversation; if spoken to, feign sleep or drug-induced stupor it at all possible; if not, make profoundly apologetic gestures, pointing to your ears (w/no eye-contact!) to pretend you're deaf."

Dude, let's make this one of my War n' Peace pieces; whaddya say? Cool! And in NYC, a fews moons ago, I was surrounded on the platform of the Subway by a gang of thugs in midwinter...they'd just skipped the ice-crusted tracks where they'd beaten an Asian man unconscious after relieving him of his briefcase, coat, etc...they were kind enough to leave him clothed. Thank God for my psych background. Here's why. I was, uh, familiar with the reputation of the NYC subway late at night (but had to take it, @@!!! it). So I was purposefully wearing a "Newark"-logo-festooned fuzzy facemask: Only criminally insane people wear a/t advertising crime-sewer Newark, NJ; this is something visitors to New Jack City need to know. Bronx merch is almost as good. I wore a long parka bulging with things in every pocket. Hey--I was visiting and living out of my bag and my coat, y'know?

I put on my paranoid schizophrenic act. If these hadn't been young hoods, they wouldn't have given a f@@@ about my as-if psychosis, but young gangbangers get spooked by floridly psychotic types. So I lay the act on thick, 'cause my life sorta depended on it; chances were they were "just" practicing on the Asian man. I began humming dissonantly to myself, groaning, howling, sniffing n' snortin,' making sure not to move (that would result in nasty reflex-rctns from the pigs). One of them got in my face and yelled: "WTF are you singing about? You sound like shi#. STF up!" Instead, I started laughing hysterically in that lunatic ascending crescendo way. I was scared, but I couldn't let them know it. They started fidgeting. I felt a blade against my back, but I had a thick parka. That ain't quite body-armor, but it does slow blades down. So, not moving a/t but my dominant hand really slow like I had an itch (into a deep pocket), I said in a jolly voice, singing the words (I will never forget this great opus): "My coat's thick, but your skin's not. The Angel of Death is my name, and you're my lucky clients. Thank you for visiting. One moment and you will be served! Mustard? Ketchup? Would you like fries with your flesh?"

The rats took off right away into the tunnels...I hope the mutated rats and people known to live there ate them...slowly. Was I lucky? Heck yeah.

But this brings me to my point: What a nice Metro you have! People are friendly to one another?! What are they, nuts or something?! Singing. What?! You're supposed to be cold or even murderous, not melodious. WTF is wrong with you northern Europeans? Americans say that everyone's aloof yet overtly racist up there.

Man, I want to GTF out of this country so bad and sing and play bass (even Klezmer, Nathalie) in the Stockholm Metro, dude. Hey, I'm not picky: Any Metro up your way. Nothing's perfect, I know. But this is just too nice and I'm not too jaded to notice. I want it; I want it!

Thanks for the Holiday Gift. Soon, I will gift myself upon the innocent, unsuspecting denizens of the Northland. I'm serious: I'm working on it. Might work out; might not. But I'm sold.

Hill the (temporarily) Missouri Hillbilly
Hm, you know, it's kinda famous the USA's society is highly unhealthy, reflecting the gov't. And unfortunately you can feel that Scandi states are turning into USA gradually. More capitalist gov'ts = more poor people = more social problems, axiomatically.
Hm, you know, it's kinda famous the USA's society is highly unhealthy, reflecting the gov't. And unfortunately you can feel that Scandi states are turning into USA gradually. More capitalist gov'ts = more poor people = more social problems, axiomatically.

That is so distressing! I am therefore distressed. That evil Typhoid Mary social-disease-spreading Empire I call "home" causes me great guilt, which is of no use to nobody, not even to some of my relatives who think that guilt is a required state-of-being for anyone of Jewish origin. Ah, Catholics here have told me that they are subject to similar productive social dynamics. But okay.

Hope? Keep it alive, Anton, it will keep us all warm if nothing else. Look, even here in the epicenter of greed and "let them eat cake," we have our first African-American president. This is huge: Less than fifty years ago, he'd have to drink from a separate water fountain and walk on in the gutter, etc. Obama is gathering a staff...don't be jaded, there's nowhere but up where the US' foreign and domestic policy is concerned! So if Typhoid Mary's prognosis is getting less grim and she's infecting fewer people, KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

You write that "Scandi states are turning into USA gradually." Shoot, well, "gradually" can be halted and reversed. No creeping disease has an entirely hopeless prognosis except for rabies and spongiform encephelitis. And even that's no longer the case: Just recently, a young girl recovered from RABIES in a Milwaukee hospital (she was put into a deep coma for months)...so, to paraphrase some old Jewish text from parochial school (talk about hopeless), Never lose hope--even if a sharp sword is held against your throat. Ach, words to live (not die) for!

So, of course, I have learned from my travels and studies that your axiom is immutable. However, it is not axiomatic that our Western world, let alone Scandi, is headed to the Hounds of Capitalist Arbeit-Schemes. We are strong; we are in dissent; they are decrepit and morally corrupt. I get into plenty of funks over this (and other, less interesting things) but I feel hopeful today. And who cares how my hormones are doing--facts are facts: The battle isn't over until we capitulate to the pigs.

So let's not.

Wait, wait, I get it, sure as heck do :lol:: You just don't want me to bring any USA pathogens to your pristine lands; y'all jest don't want us sweet AmeriKKKans comin' up yer way. Whah is dayt? Dude, I'm one of the good guys. It'll be okay. America's changing. Just over one year ago, everyone here laughed or cried when someone suggested that Obama would be elected. But he was--by a landslide.

It's slow, but the progress is real.

If they overdo it, well.... Look, I test lots, right? One of those tests is the IQ test. I also conduct lots of personality tests. Tons of number crunching, and the data that comes out is statistically very reliable. You strike me as having a high IQ: You're very articulate, you grasp cultural nuances from places across the planet from you, you're inquisitive, you read a lot (and not comix).... It's okay to admit what you know: You're smart. So how about you tell the bloke who's so proud of his age that "there's chronological age and intellectual age," and you'll be happy to brain-wrestle him on the intellectual age piece any day. See, that's because it would be a no-brainer who'd win :Smug: Don't be ashamed: Have some fun with dumb people if they offend you. Otherwise, I'd suggest you take pity and refer them to a kind veterinarian.

I've been through some weird stuff and apparently have nine lives. That leaves me with about 5 more.


Hill the Elder

Gee, I would be lying if I said that, that didn't make me smile.

A lil more on the weird stuff if you don't mind :D
Gee, I would be lying if I said that, that didn't make me smile.

A lil more on the weird stuff if you don't mind :D

:Smokedev: Huh? Let's see: I wrote you that I've been through (tons of) "weird stuff." By that, I'm referring to drive-by shootings, etc. It's cool, in the end, given that I'm not dead: I don't need any tats--I've got them from those considerate shooters. Because of my beating the odds and surviving so many times, I suspect that I've got 5 > lives. And that's not including reincarnation, but I won't get into theology here. So, :goggly: you're telling to get me a "lil more on the weird stuff?!" But that would use up those lives, following my, uh, let's call it logic. Dude: You want me to die? Nah; we haven't even met. Maybe after we do, you'll want me to die :kickass:

Hmmm. I reckon you're asking me to get on back to writing way-out-there things rather than treatises in psychometrics. Is that it? I'd be glad to avoid those when chatting with you or anyone else, unless seriously, heavily tempted.

As for the lives, I'm afraid I can't change that: See, back when I was in HS, I made a pact with the Devil down by the Crossroads. He's got my soul, blood, my soul! Can you tell? :zombie::lol:

Don't sweat it. Enjoy those concerts; I still grieve for the one you missed and we haven't even met. Orphans oughtta look out for one another. BOTTOM LINE. UPPER LINE too. Profound :hypno:

Rock on,

"Hello Kitty" style female-fronted Chinese metal:


Anton! That woman OWNS!

Until she started singing, I was thinking, "small singer, maybe small voice?"

Then come out these death growls that'll scare the biggest, baddest sleeve-tattooed death-metalhead...SHE OWNS! She gets down lower than Nergal, and she ain't using no FX! And I like that the music is HEAVY, not always all-about-shredding fast playing. I've gotten sick of that. Thrash did it justice. Enough.

I'd like to play bass for her. The T'Bird player (that's a Gibson bass, dear readers) doesn't deserve to play with her. I do :blush::):Smug:
Behemoth's "At the Left Hand of God" always uplifts me. The main riff is incredible!

Oh yeah, what a Left Hand riff that is!

Talking Behemoth, I am very uplifted by the final track on Evangelion: "Lucifer." It's sung in my non-native tongue (my fathers' parents, though), Polish. Talk about riffs with Polish death-growled. And, I don't know how they do it, given their extreme genre: The, well, song's catchy, but still just as rip-off-your face scary as all the rest of their wicked material....
@FS: Try contacting her - I think the band will be happy to accept you!

Really?! So this wasn't just a case of bass-envy; oh good! I think I will try contacting her. Chinese band, right? Everybody rags on Chinese products but one of my favorite basses is made in China and it's anything but shoddy! The thing is hand-made, with this awesomely aged maple neck and alder body, oh and kicka** rosewood fretboard--not the usual dull brown, but rather with "character" and real abalone markers! This was a labor-of-love but my conscience hits me every time I realize that the luthier got paid about 10% of what someone with half his/her talent would get in the US for an axe half as sweet.

The thing blows many basses plumb outta the water, and it cost (just recently!) half the price of the :Puke: first fiver I ever bought :cry: in '03, when I was getting bored with four-strings and wanted to play real LOW like a true scary bassist. Back then, I though I'd got me a deal :mad:. Man, that was and still is one nasty bass. I had to sand the neck 'cause it was full of bubbles and bumps; I had to glue the headstock back on after a year or so; shoot--the preamp (NEVER BUY A CHEAP "ACTIVE" BASS, Y'ALL!) is prehistoric-gnarly-sounding. It's getting burnt on-stage as soon as I find me a local band in this sucky scene. I think I wrote this somewhere, but, anyhow, I learnt lots of things from Jimi, RIP, including that players' gotta burn an instrument on stage at some point in their life...just once, and POOF! :hotjump: This '03 one's fixin' to burn!

Now the five-string is standard in metal, hard-rock, and funk. And it's because of me! :lol::Smokin::hypno: