what about the new CD of SX??

I definitely hope the mixing will be different--the guitar was up WAY too loud and drowned out the keyboard. But I have a feeling the quality of writing will be great. :)
Rose Immortal said:
I definitely hope the mixing will be different--the guitar was up WAY too loud and drowned out the keyboard. But I have a feeling the quality of writing will be great. :)
I second that. I was deaf of the keyboards for some of the heavier songs on that album. The only 2 times in Inferno that you can hear any keyboard is that part right before the 1st verse, and the keyboard solo. If the new album is gonna be darker, it should be more Sanctus Ignis dark than straight up heavy.
ptah knemu said:
I second that. I was deaf of the keyboards for some of the heavier songs on that album. The only 2 times in Inferno that you can hear any keyboard is that part right before the 1st verse, and the keyboard solo. If the new album is gonna be darker, it should be more Sanctus Ignis dark than straight up heavy.

Oh yeah, you CAN do dark stuff by creating a strong keyboard atmosphere.

Even with classical orchestras--think of stuff like Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. God, I hope SymX does something with Rite of Spring...
Jax, I don't think anyone was making fun of the site.. I fins Symphony X's forums and website by far the most pertyful and colourful... & organized, and as for the updates it does get updated, everything accept studio updates... Although as you said, traditionally is alway quiet... Even if you posted something like " Yeh the band is working hard on the album and it should be ready for March 2006" is vague but better than nothing lol...I know it would get m,y panties out of a bunch lol :)

The Odyssey lacked some Pinnella in their for sure, accept Awakenings, where the Keys are so obvious it feels like its not even part of the same album lol (IMO Because of the frequent keys in Awakenings it sounds completely out of place on the Odyssey... All though a great freaking song and of course album none the less lol )
i was wondering if anyone else barfed wehen they heard that drum sound, also, the guitar sound sounds kinda fuckded up, i mean its MJR, but it sounds like its recorded funny or something
The only way I can describe MJR's guitar sound on The Odyssey is that it was WAY TOO MUCH MID!!!!!!! Mid Frequencies are nice and all, but when you boost it too much, it sounds bleh. As for the drum sound, I liked it plenty, but the snare drum among other things was AWESOME!!!!!! It had that nice tight smaller sound, which I prefer to many normal size snares.
Xymphony said:
High quality, but i don't like the sound; too electronic.

I'll give you that. I can see where you're coming from. I still really like the sound, though. Maybe he's such a perfect player that it sounds fake? lol.

I agree with a lot of you about The Odyssey. The keys are definitely drowned out. I do hope that the new album includes a lot of keys, and some more bass oriented parts. I want to see Lepond shine :rock:

Oh, oh... and I want some drum solos! :loco:
ptah knemu said:
The only way I can describe MJR's guitar sound on The Odyssey is that it was WAY TOO MUCH MID!!!!!!! Mid Frequencies are nice and all, but when you boost it too much, it sounds bleh. As for the drum sound, I liked it plenty, but the snare drum among other things was AWESOME!!!!!! It had that nice tight smaller sound, which I prefer to many normal size snares.

Sorry to double post. I actually prefer smaller sounding drums as a whole.

I have a question: Does SymX record their parts, and then overwrite everything with a constant sound? My friend at work was telling me that drums are usually overwritten completely with a constant, I guess MIDI that was recorded by the drummer. Also can be done with other instruments. Thanks.
_Gentleman of_the Snow_ said:
I'll give you that. I can see where you're coming from. I still really like the sound, though. Maybe he's such a perfect player that it sounds fake? lol.

I agree with a lot of you about The Odyssey. The keys are definitely drowned out. I do hope that the new album includes a lot of keys, and some more bass oriented parts. I want to see Lepond shine :rock:

Oh, oh... and I want some drum solos! :loco:

By saying "electronic", i didn't mean "sounds "fake". It is either drum-machine, or "triggered", i don't care. I really don't like the drum sounding. For example, the double bass tones sound like too identical. It is like, some fast and technical drummer made those strikes with a single pedal ( i only speculate about the tones) , identically; or the tones are triggered. I don't like drum sounds, which i can't understand whether done by a human or not. (not considering performance, but tones)
Yeah, I hope Lepond will be more up in the mix next time, but you know his caparison bass has EMG p/j set so that could help. Also he has to record with mic and spice it up with line signal if neccesary IMO.
proulxski said:
Although as you said, traditionally is alway quiet... Even if you posted something like " Yeh the band is working hard on the album and it should be ready for March 2006" is vague but better than nothing lol...I know it would get m,y panties out of a bunch lol :)


'The band is working hard on the album, and it should be ready for a Spring 2006 release.'

*lol* yeah, great :D

I do however also hope that the "if it sounds too loud, make it even louder"-phase of Odyssey has passed now. Some of the sounds on that album are so intense to the point of becoming a bit unnerving at times.

But I won't get my hopes too high (and my expectations), which became a strategy of mine recently, when it comes to approaching new albums. I get over the dissappointment-phase more quickly that way and can enjoy the music earlier for what it is and not what I think it should be ;) .
First of All, there will be other sounds I guess, cause MJR used the POD XT on The Odyssey but now came back to the Line6 Equalizer so the sound will be different!



Have they finished writing the lyrics now?