What albums has Andy used a Peavey JSX on?

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
I know the Despised Icon album The Ills of Modern Man was boosted Peavey JSX... sounds awesome. I was just wondering, has Sneap used the JSX on any other albums? If so, which? Kinda curious to hear...

Also, anybody know if he's used the XXX/3120 on anything?
i always thought it sounded like a 5150. shows how wrong i was. that album has fucking supreme tone though!
Wow, never woulda thunk thats what they used on resurrection. Then again i had no idea, its defiantly a unique guitar tone. My fave sneap mix/tone also!
The JSX was only used for solo's and leads for Resurrection, the rhythm guitars were krankenstien and 5150.
Nope, there are definitely differences, in favor of the XXX IMO (the JSX is like a more unpleasantly and weirdly metallic-sounding XXX IMO)

I dunno. The guitar tone on that Ills of Modern Man cd is fucking great. Nice and aggressive. Awesome lead tone too.

It seems to have a little bit more upper mid cut than the 5150, but overall not all that different sounding (atleast when both are boosted with a tubescreamer and going through a mesa oversized cab). I might have to look into checking out a JSX, since I've heard they have great clean channels also, something the 5150 definitely lacks...

The Resurrection guitar tone and Ills of Modern Man guitar tone actually sound very similar, but it's a little thicker sounding on the Ills of Modern Man, which I like more.