what are good 1st or 2nd date ideas (serious)?

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You should not take her out to dinner. It will set you up in the most awkward situation possible, and you will be required to speak constantly. Avoid it, if you want to make your life easier. If you're intending to be in downtown Chicago, Millennium Park and Grant Park would be good places to go, although you would want to do something else. You might try the Moonstruck Cafe nearby on Michigan Avenue, which has wonderful chocolates. Also, don't take her shopping with you, unless you're planning to visit all of the chocolate stores near the Water Tower Mall, or something of that nature. She will not be interested in buying things with you, and especially not clothing. The Lincoln Park Zoo would also work well, as it's fairly close to downtown and free, so it won't matter if you and your date decide that you suddenly aren't interested.
Guns And Roses?

The fuck is wrong with you? Thats not metal, and all the girls i know know who G&R are. Do you live in heaven or something?

I didn't say it was Metal.

And its fucking Guns N' Roses not Guns AND Roses.

I personally don't care what kind of chick I go out with (by labels, like Goth, Emo, Metalhead) as long as they don't act dramatic all the time and react to problems they cause themselves like they are my fault.

For example: My ex would always tell me how she loved me. Thats good right? Well I would always have to say (often exaggerate) how I felt about her so she wouldn't get pissed. Then she would bitch about how "there was no point to the relationship because all we talked about was how much we loved each other". I would often try to start talking about something else. She drove me fucking crazy.

For a date idea it should be something that would be entertaining for both of you and that would create a lot of conversation. If you talk to someone enough you will feel more comfortable with them.
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