Housing ideas for MDF 7

I will most likely be getting a ride with you if that's ok. Will be an epic road trip.

Um, I doubt my father will let me borrow the car for this, so I'll probably bus with you and Andy, and Kris if he's going.

If we all pitch in for gas then I might be able to convince him.
Looking at the line-up.
Fuck. I want to go. Out of the question. But perhaps next year, when I shall have money and a degree of autonomy.
If I can get time off around then (or if I'm not up in Canada at the time this is goin' on) I might want to go to MDF, the lineup is great.
I would very much like to go this year. I cannot possibly plan on it of course. Far to far in the future. If I can get out there though, I will.
My friend Dan drove Nick and I. As long as you can pay for gas, you can come. 4 people max probably.

I'm going over his house today, so I'll probably talk to him more about it. He may even have his license by then. If not, then maybe even another of our friend could drive us. He's not really a death metal fan, but he might still enjoy going.