What are some other bands like Pyramaze


Simply Wise Enough
Feb 21, 2006
University Park, PA, U.S.
Yah basically what are some bands like Pyramaze out there that are like Pyramaze. Don't even think about telling me they're better cause I'm pretty sure monkey's aren't going to fly out of my butt.

Also what among those bands which ones have the same solid good moralled lyrics as Pyramaze. I know your not a christian band but still you guys are still the best secular hard metal band out there as far as I'm concerned.

Top Heavy Metal from me
1. Tourniquet - "Where moth and rust destroy"
2. Tourniquet - "Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm"
3. Breaking Benjamin - (firefly, so cold, blow me away, sooner or later, follow me, breakdown, forget it)
I hope no other bands are like us. Although we do often get compared to Kamelot and Iced Earth (and occasionally Children of Bodom). Glad you like the stuff though -cheers- jonah
Well i'm sampling stuff like kamelot, iced earth, and nightwish but you guys are a whole different style and much better. Like as far as I see it what you guys have is the melody and rock down pat while those other people seem like amateurs.

Just to add that one band tourniquet is really really good so try it out because it blows away those other prog. bands like you guys.
Nope, no other like Pyramaze- did check out Kamelot they are damn good! Pyramaze has it all, the musicianship, power, epic, heavy, sad, happy, mean, nice, riffs, chorus, & most of all- great sound / production! I would recommend Vision Divine- who do have these same qualities just not as consistantly as heavy as Pyramaze. Visions- latest cd "Perfect Machine" is a concept album done just as good as "The Bone Carver"! Both are great cd.s/ concept- from 2 great bands! Cheers- Muz
At the Last.fm website it shows 94 similar bands to Pyramaze. I'm not familiar with a lot of the bands listed but there are some I have listened to and I don't agree that they are similar. Meh, that's just my silly-ass opinion. What the hell do I know? :D
To me there is NO band that compares to PYRAMAZE, i may be a little prejudise, but in my opinion they have it all, musicanship is beyond reproach, the lyrics tell you a story that all should take to heart. As a band they are the most gracious and non-egotistical bunch of guys you could meet. Just wait till PPVII and you will see. They have not let their fame go to their heads, plus they are respected by their peers, because they have NEVER lost the insight into their music and where they came from and who it is that makes them who they are, not just us their fans, or their music, but a higher being, and they will not compromise who and what they are and what they beleive.
I agree Pyr.51!
I have recently discovered "Symphorce" who are no "PYRAMAZE" but are worth checking out. As heavy?-less melodic. Pyramaze is 1-of a kind! Cheers-Muz!
How about Magnitude 9? Similar styles, different voice is all (and no keyboards either). Come to think of it, maybe they aren't alike at all! Still, give them a listen.
Damn, i picked up Legend of the Bone Carver recently. Awsome stuff, i'd definately say there's a Iced Earth/ Kamelot vibe there, which is great, tehy're some of my favuorite metal bands.
I would say that there are not really any bands that have the "Pyramaze" sound. Lanfear comes close, yet they veer off towards a more progressive slant. Pyramaze really do stand out on their own in this genre that is becoming more and more crowded with each quarter. I expect nothing but big things in the future for this band.
No other bands like Pyramaze that I have heard. Although if you like them, I would recommend the bands Heed & Hibria. Neither sound like Pyramaze, but they both have amazing singers and are helping to keep metal alive! God bless anyone that does this!

Heed is very good & i just ordered Hibria. Eidolon nu cd w/ Nils on voc.s (from Pagans Mind) very good! Muz
I would recommend Angra to any Pyramaze fan if they have not yet checked them out. One of the most underrated power/prog metal bands in history, IMHO. Their last 2 albums (as with both Pyramaze albums) were nothing short of being MASTERPIECES.
I'd say the band that sound the closest to Pyramaze would have to be Evergrey (see -The Dark Discovery, Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy, In Search of Truth and Recreation Day), they both have killer musicianship, riffage, keys, and MELODY, which most of the current "mainstream" bands seem to be lacking IMO.

I'd have to say Pyramaze's sound is a mix of elements from a whole bunch of different bands, from some of the 80's hair metal bands, to Iced Earth, Nevermore, Jag Panzer, Evergrey, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Opeth just to name a few.

And if Legend of the Bone Carver is as amazing as it is, then I can not wait for their next album, if their sophmore album is this great!