What are you doing at this moment?

I's nice to read that I'm not the only one who wants a tattoo, but doesn't know what..

Just watched the movie 'Häjyt' and now I'm eating raspberries and just surfing the internet and zapping to find something interesting on tv..
and then I'll go to the sauna.
Damn you Finns. :(

Cheesy mood, listening to Chris Cornell.

:oops: though.

About the tattoo talk, I want something like this when I turn 18:

It's the Pisces symbol and, well, girly as I am, I care a lot about this kinda stuff. Also, I would like the ending of Musetta's aria from La Boheme on the back of my neck, 'cause it's pretty damn difficult, giving me a hard time, so if I get it tattooed on me forever, I'll never stop struggling with it. :lol:
Just came from the sauna <3 nice and warm

I think I should buy some tattoo-magazine, not a fan for those websites. Too much butterflies.

Listening to Charon, Pain and COB (gotta love shuffle-function)
doing my tattoo in january. i'll just go old school, get drunk and wake up with a tattoo
I was so buisy running around that I accidently put only one file in my winamp playlist.. So I've been listening to 'oops I did it again' followed by 'waiting' for about 5 times now.... I'm going to turn off winamp......

And I need to go to sleep soon, because I'll be picked up for work tomorrow morning at 5.30 AM... (which is in 9 hours from now and knowing myself.. I'll probably sleep only 4 hours... )
Feel like I need to shit, but I've been really gassy, so I'm afraid I'll go to the bathroom, have one huge fart, and then just kinda be like -.-
Speaking of tattoos, I wouldn't have minded getting tattooed at Mad Max when I was in Tampere, but I've had a hard time seeing some of the work that's been done there beforehand. I know they do some insane body modifications there, but that doesn't really appeal to me. Plus, I spent most of my money on beer, so I wouldn't have had the money for a tattoo anyways.

After reading this, I'm really starting to contemplate how I'm going to have one of my tattoos touched up. An artist with a good reputation (which, judging by the tattoo I have from him, shouldn't have that reputation), managed to make a real mess of mine. I wouldn't hesitate to let the artist who done my most recent tattoo touch it up though.
n00b :p go to WhiteTown, and get a tattoo with Taneli Jarva

There's some nice work in that gallery. I like the Nosferatu tattoo in the cover-up section.

As for being a n00b, I'm not really up on the Finnish tattoo scene, as I don't live in Finland. :)
I'm enjoying the cold weather :p
Finally the temperatures dropped below zero!! woohoo!!!
*okay it's only -2 degrees but still.. it's freezing!!!!*

Freezing? :lol: That's mellow and good weather. I walk with a hoodie outside in that temperature for short periods of time. :lol:

Here It's nearing -20 C and that Is freezing.