What are you doing at this moment?

I just got done watching Food, Inc. It made me want to starve myself to death, just to avoid giving the corporations more moneys. =

Oh, and we watched this recently too. Now go watch King Corn :lol:.... :erk:
(I actually missed about last 20-30 minutes of both movies though).

I've actually started cutting back on eating beef and pork, and seeing as chicken is usually expensive, that too :(.
I love meat and poultry too much to cut it out of my diet no matter how much garbage they inject into the animals. But it does make me want to start buying product from those little farmers... We used to raise our own hogs and have them slaughtered, but they did get fed nothing but corn, pretty much. And I don't feel so bad for the chickens 'cause I hate chickens anyway, haha. It's really more of the corporations that pissed me off. And that scene with the lame cow getting pushed around by a forklift. =\
I'm trying to find some motivation to go pack some more boxes because I'm getting a new apartment next thursday.. And I have a week to move everything before I'm going to Finland..
But I'm just too lazy atm.. I have too much stuff which I can't throw away..
And I'm still undecided if I'm gonna pack my clothing in boxes or in bags..

I have so much shit to do at the same time.. move, apply for jobs, arrange my vacation..
I don't even know anymore where I'm staying in Germany before my flight, at what time my flight leaves, which bus I need to take to Tampere and wth I'm gonna do when I'm there.. Except of course the COB gig, but even that can't lighten my mood... wth is happening to me?
We had a tiny show-appearance thingie with two songs, did a medley of Iron Maiden's "Wasting Love" and Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" and when my friend the guitar player's mic slipped from the stand a lil' bit, a local comedian dude who works for a TV show too came on stage and fixed it. T'was nice, we got "YAYAW!!" after that, when we realized it was actually him. :lol:
I'm recovering from last night and pondering either getting a shit student job, which means I visit home less often, applying for a government student loan, or just hitting up my parents for cash.