What are you doing at this moment?

I have no idea why im still up. I'm drinking vodka and some strawberry shit. Shit fucking sucks! I was the driver for tonights drinking....pfffffft.
Mmmyeah, I should. Hard on the veggie part though, fruits are love.
Dunno what it is though, cause I don't get this on a regular basis, I can't even remember when it last happened, but these days I've caught some sort of flu-thing that might have something to do with that.
And thanks. :)
I nosebleed when i have the flu/hard colds. Usually comes from overly dry, thin and sore walls inside the nose, at least in my case
oh derp you :p

I just put on Dimmu's PEM and my roommate asked why I was listening to Batman.

That solves the mystery about Dimmu, lol. Although, that's probably not true cause Dimmu sux and Batman is na-na-na-na-awesome.

Chilling after practicing. I should practice more often, fuck. :mad:

Edit: I'm starting to get Chinese spam on my e-mail account. LOL.