What are you doing at this moment?

What do all you guys major in? (Or your selected study? Not sure if "major" is the correct term outside of the US)

journalism's the way to go! more specifically radio journalism, although I have a terrible radio-voice (and even worse in person apparently) I thought I'd get to know various sound editing programmes, turns out that's not the case... next year I have to go on (internship?) in the medium I chose -_-
sucks, as I hardly ever listen to the radio >_> :p

on topic: I have 2 weeks of school left this year (before exams) and need to start a 10-page essay about racism/ethnic discrimination in schools, find a place to do an internship, write a bunch of reviews, make a magazine cover for my english class and learn 3 of my courses by heart, 'cause if I don't, I'll fail those exams miserably :cry:
We edited with Audition this year, badass program for what it is. Dunno much about mixing/recoridng music with it though, just used it to make commercials for radio and foley/adr videos.

Next year we use Pro Tools :cool:
Journalists are alongside Lawyers on the pole position of the most hated professions ever :p

I'm more or less about to complete my degree (BSc) in Computer Engineering, to which I never again intend to return, ever. I'm going for a MSc in either physics or mathematics, hopefully soon, and then a PhD about something.
We edited with Audition this year, badass program for what it is. Dunno much about mixing/recoridng music with it though, just used it to make commercials for radio and foley/adr videos.

Next year we use Pro Tools :cool:

Never used Audition, seems nice, but Audacity is a joke. :lol:

Pro Tools is quite nice, but the HD version is so fucking expensive (along with the interfaces) and I cant be bothered looking up the prices for some soundcard which is working with Pro Tools LE and has more than 4 (mic)inputs because I already have a little mbox which sucks because you cant record shit with it.
So, for mixing and editing it is great and if I could use any audio interface with my LE version it would be the best programm for recording for me, but as long this isnt the case I'll stick to Logic :D