What are you doing at this moment?

in uni was actually SoundForge, but i do other courses, because uni's are a fucking joke. I personally use Reaper at the moment, but soon i'll make all my stuff legit, and move to ProTools =D
Should been writing some notes but instead Im watching some videos on youtube. Got to say, J. Ruutu is the man. I understand why most of the NHL players hate him except his teammembers :D
Didn't feel like walking to the store or talking to people, so I figured I'd skim through the boards until my free is over and I go back to class.
Bah, watching my cousin editing his NHL10 team, what a crappy team:lol:

And soon it's hockey! Russia Agains Belarouis, and Datsyuk is probably playing! <3

Im more interested how you will do against Czech. Probably gonna still watch the Russia-Belarus game. Still cant believe it that Norway won Czech. But nothing is as it used to be, soon things will end up that the teams playing in the final game for gold are Norway and Denmark...
never ever again, I worked as a journalist and I realised that I totally dislike journalism ,especially when it comes to newspapers :lol:
I actually got to do quite some cool stuff this year. I made a portret interview about Miss Metal :p, made a written repo about the chocolate bar here in Ghent, made a human interest story about someone that works as a volunteer helping the homeless, had a critical interview with the editor of Belgium's biggest newspaper and did a background interview about Belgians resorting to sleeping pills and their alternatives, ... last weekend I went to the Cat-boat (like a pound but on the water) and made a radio-report and just yesterday I had an interview about the uprise in Belgian erm... 'street parties'(?) :p

Journalists are alongside Lawyers on the pole position of the most hated professions ever :p
this is true... i don't know what i really want to do in my life, so i just keep going to school >_>

Never used Audition, seems nice, but Audacity is a joke. :lol:
I had the test-for-30-days-Audition, now I have to buy it or break into it (which i don't know how to do), until then I'm stuck with Audacity :cry:
Tonight I have breyed some uber hard bosses on Muramasa (wii)
Then pwned your standard xbl kids on MW2 (xb)
Got shit all over but had a rofl time on TF2 with Lowbuger (pc)
It has been a good night. Now I am drinking my last beer, rolling a small spliff, listening to City & Colour

and getting ready to top the night off with some Carl Sagans - Cosmos
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