What are you doing at this moment?

Couch to 5K nigga, worked for my fat ass, now I am running at level 5 for 30 mins easy.

its a 200m indoor track, and I was doing 3 jog, and walking one to rest, and I did that all 3 times. Today I did 2 before getting sharp pains in my chest. Dont do drugs kids. Dieting fucking blows too btw.
Went to a Hallowee party, my ride felt it was kinda lame so we bailed at 12:30, only got there at 10:30.... I was drinking Vodka and well, I drank waaaay too much but I didn't feel it until I got home. Threw up clamato all over our white carpet, passed out in my chair, girlfriend had to drag me to bed.

Twas' good night.
Elvis & Obelix
November 20th, 2010 Posted in Photography 1 Comment »
Good evening cupcakes :] How’s it hangin’? Oh my I’m actually tired and worn out after eating todays dinner. It was sooo good!

I have some new pictures for you guys today. Had my sister over for a visit last Explotion Wednesday (*giggles* I refer to Weezy Waiter on YouTube, check it out) and she brought her lovely street-mixed dog Obelix. He and Elvis are practically boyfriend and boyfriend, a couple, yes. Hahahaha! We’ve figured out that they are a pair of homosexual dogs :D lol. So, after we ate dinner that day, we had some Ice Cream (PinUp, it’s classic!) and the dogs got to lick off the final piece that was left of the ice cream. Then I made my move and shot some photos. I think they turned out pretty neat ^^

He&#8217;s looking unusually cute in the last picture <3 He&#8217;s like: &#8220;Mommy, what are you doing? Why you take my picture?&#8221;

They&#8217;re just too adorable!!! Definitely the couple of the year XD
What do you think?

- Zombiewoman :3
wtf am I reading? Homo dogs?

On topic:

Listening to one motherfucking BADASS group called Two Steps From Hell, it is now officially my new favorite music-group!

Consists of 2 people, one being Norwegian :D

From Wikipedia: "In particular, the group's music has been used in trailers for such films as Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Star Trek, The Dark Knight, 2012, X-Men: The Last Stand, Tron Legacy, Avatar, Prince of Persia, Stardust, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Inception and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as well as video games such as Mass Effect 2 and the British television show Doctor Who."
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Procrastinating from getting my shit packed together ready for tomorrow.

Also, my dryer is broken, which is kinda lame since I need to wash my uniform at least twice a week due to me being a sloppy cunt in the kitchen. *sigh*
Listening to this awesome song.

And thinking about to play some NHL 11. It's a bit of a layer snow on the ground so I'm also tempted to take out the car for some drifting in the snow. Unforturnary, my dad's borrowed it for 2 days now and is not back home yet ...
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