What are you doing right nao?

Most likely...in Sweden today we had headlines in our biggest newspaper about a young man shooting at people from his balcony, he had apparently shot one person so far but the police was there to resolve the situation and then the text ends with saying he was armed with a soft air gun! :lol:

That's how it always is around here too! People don't rob places with actual guns anymore, they all use those guns air soft guns!

Except that crazy Ocean's 11 heist with the helicopter a while back of course
Scandinavia is seriously becoming so fucking lame....if someone shot me with a soft airgun I would most likely kick their ass (given I could catch them) and not call the fucking police about it...
here is upside down.... north is like mexico... south is like slightly more polite mexico
just found this for sale



^im debating on it. need to think about it.

going on a trip this weekend. :) smell ya later bitches