What are you doing right nao?

So it is election day in Sweden today and although the final results are not in yet the preliminary report says that the nationalist/racist party got 15% of the votes and will be able to play a big part in Swedish politics until the next election...it is shameful that we haven't learned more from history than this :(
It is a little funny though that most of the votes for the racist party came from the region of "Skåne" who borders to Denmark and historically have belonged to Denmark and is by many swedes still considered to be half danish :lol:
My children are technically 3rd generation immigrants since my gf had Finnish parents and they would have been considered "true" (1st and 2nd generation) immigrants for all intents and purposes had not my gf revoked her finnish citizenship so fuck the racist party and all who voted for them big time! I know they are mostly against muslims and would probably deem other scandinavians as "ok" immigrants but I still they can go fuck themselves and die!

That's the thing. If you move here from western Europe, you aren't really an immigrant. But if your skin isn't white, then you're an immigrant

It is a little funny though that most of the votes for the racist party came from the region of "Skåne" who borders to Denmark and historically have belonged to Denmark and is by many swedes still considered to be half danish :lol:

My municipality mainly vote for the conservatives or for the racists. So I'm not even mad :lol: