what are you doing tonight?

well, it also depends on what company they are using to obtain your credit history from. generally, people will use all three large credit report agencies. some however, don't bother.
Originally posted by the_preppy
your loans will show on your credit report, but personal bills will not. however, your credit report usually only says that you owe the student loans, not that you are not paying them or having trouble with them or anything.

i must have misunderstood the person i talked. she probably said they show up but don't affect it. my b
if you want an accurate read, you can get a report from experian. they're very accurate. it costs $$ tho unless you lie to them and tell them you think you might be the victim of identity theft, and then it's free one time.

you um didn't hear that from me tho.
I was late once on my Student loans (like 3 months late with moving - totally forgot about it) and my credit report had that on it. Luckily, I have under $7000 left. End is in sight.

Tonight I am going to see Ian Moore at Off Broadway, a cool club with a lotta wood & a country kinda decor and 2-level open area stage. Saw Jay Bennet and Edward Burch there with Devil in a Woodpile and loved the place.

So- you can walk on your hands already...
How 'bout you write me a theme: "What I want for Christmas/Chanukah"

btw, love that avatar FrostGiant. Very fitting of your name and the season. THUMBS UP!
Back to the thread topic, I guess-

I have to go to my boss's house in the nice wealthy Jewish section of Brookline and install a hard drive. I'll be taking myself out to dinner afterwards thankyouverymuch.
i sleep like, 2 hours a night, MAX. naps do me wrong.
i do have internet access at home, but i rarely use it. also, wtf is neverwinter nights? it sounds way too gothic.
apparently fusoya isn't paying attention to the fact that i have to WORK tonight! but tomorrow, preppy??

NWN is a rad computer game. i played it once with josh and we did pretty well until he got stuck in a wall.

i was asking if you had computer access because that opens up a whole new realm of possibility for evening activities. you could pick a band that you've always heard was good but never had the time to try out, download all of their CDs, and become an expert in their oeuvre. you could go to newgrounds.com and not leave until you've played every game. you could go in an chatroom and pretend to be ugly and fat and see if anyone is nice enough to talk to you based entirely on your personality. read through every single back episode of Savage Love on thestranger. google search someone who has your same name and e-mail them vague and threatening phrases...