I just picked this album up and it is kicking my ass all over the place. I don't know how I overlooked it when it first came out. It's just as good as Sons of the Northern Darkness.
I just picked this album up and it is kicking my ass all over the place. I don't know how I overlooked it when it first came out. It's just as good as Sons of the Northern Darkness.
"I" is just that man, a "kick-ass" album. Some have said it's "Black-n-Roll." I don't know sounds like metal-rock to me. Abbath said the song "Far Beyond the Quiet" is a tribute to Quorthon of Bathory. Arve Isdal plays an incendiary guitar on this(Enslaved. Brilliant how Abbath's rythem guitar is played "underneath" Isdals guitar. Solid all the way around. Listening now to the Kinks-"Chronicles."
Great song. Hot Rats is a near masterpeice, in my opinion.
NP: Pulsefear - "Under" The Axis of Perdition's dark ambient side project. While not quite as disturbing as TAOP, it makes for an uneasy listen. Great stuff if you like very abstract dark ambient.