Also have to mention Two of Spades, that's one crazy track. Kinda reminds me of Turisas20whatever, except this brings a smile on my face. It even features none other than Frederik!Of Ensiferum I kinda lost track after Victory Songs, but the one above sounds good. Will check out the rest, too...
how is the new Moonspell?
Good if you ask me.I find it a bit darker than the last one - still full of great melodies, sure, but with a rawer intensity to it. Some duly brutal passages, plenty of poetic melancholy, very recognizably Moonspell but with fresh elements, e.g. "Medusalem" has some Eastern touches to it and "La Baphomette" an almost jazzy feel. The new video track gives a fairly appropriate impression:
One Man Army by Ensiferum - possibly the best I've heard from them, which is pretty nice after the piece of garbage called Unsung Heroes.