What are you listening to?

Only heard the first single so far, but it's definitely rockin' the early PL sound in there. Big, chunky pedal tones and that sharp, dry growl that Nick Holmes rediscovered while doing the latest Bloodbath.
Tribulation -- The Children of the Night

This came out of left field for me and seems to hit a sweet spot that no other band even knew about. Saw it on iTunes, listened to the previews and immediately saved it to my wishlist. Went and read some reviews and listened to the soundcloud clips and now I'll be surprised if I hold out more than 24 hours before purchasing.

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Nice. It's raining here, (not hard enough, but every bit helps), and I've been in an Agalloch mood. Aerial Ruin's vibe reminded me of them and of The Flight of Sleipnir, so I went poking around for more stuff that has that Cascadian Black Metal vibe. Found these guys because they got mentioned in a couple of Agalloch interviews:


Very cool stuff. Drone-y, scream-y, atmospheric, folk-black, ecologically minded, shamanistically oriented. Hits a lot of sweet spots for me.

Very cool stuff. Drone-y, scream-y, atmospheric, folk-black, ecologically minded, shamanistically oriented. Hits a lot of sweet spots for me.

Oh yeah, very sweet. Fits my current mood perfectly.

I really like that vocals are closer to a hardcore scream at times than to a high-pitched black metal shriek. Plenty of bm bands prefer to use the former, but these guys really know how to fit it well into the overall composition.
Paradise Lost - The Plague Within

Impressive album. Surprisingly heavy, and the return of death metal influence seems to have inspired Greg Mackintosh to up his game. Can't recall him putting this many memorable riffs on a single record.
Paradise Lost's The Plague Within. Downloaded it today, as I won't be able to get my ass to the record store in the next few days. But I will. It's a brilliant album. Greg's riffs are mesmerising.
Hunh...only negative Plague Within review I've seen was from Angry Metal Guy, and his reviews have been hit or miss for me for the last year. Think he's been getting a bit jaded. Most reviewers I've seen have applauded PL's shake-up of their sound and said that the music seems fresh even if there are moments in which things don't quite all work together.
I seldom read reviews. I couldn't care less.
The problem with the internet nowadays is that any 12-year-old with half a brain and access to the internet can write a review. Lest we forget - in order to review and criticise art (music, in our case) and be taken seriously, one needs at least some basic background. Or at least I subscribe to this point of view.
In the PL case I have enough background to appreciate the fact that they are returning to their roots, but in an exceptionally refined manner and the music is absolutely brilliant. And, mind you, I got hooked on them when they sounded like Depeche Mode (They sounded quite well back then too, which suggests that they are very talented musicians.)
Perception of art is subjective, I am an open minded person and I let the music speak to me and form my own opinion. It seems that in this case the majority shares my opinion.
Myrkur - M

Listened to the album stream and decided to pick it up. It's a solid effort with great production that takes some artistic chances and tries to push the genre while also showing respect for what came before. Definitely worth a listen.
Funny - I'm finding your post as I'm listening to Myrkur, which another friend just happened to recommend as well. Been aware of her for a while and will probably buy the album if I find it in the shop some day. Nice atmospheric stuff, the type I listen to at work a lot.

Oh, and just as I was gonna hit the Post button, the song ends and Soundcloud continues with Death Of A King. I've used Soundcloud far too infrequently for it to be "familiar" with my music taste, but apparently Amorphis is still associated with Relapse in its book/algorithm.