I seldom read reviews. I couldn't care less.
The problem with the internet nowadays is that any 12-year-old with half a brain and access to the internet can write a review. Lest we forget - in order to review and criticise art (music, in our case) and be taken seriously, one needs at least some basic background. Or at least I subscribe to this point of view.
In the PL case I have enough background to appreciate the fact that they are returning to their roots, but in an exceptionally refined manner and the music is absolutely brilliant. And, mind you, I got hooked on them when they sounded like Depeche Mode (They sounded quite well back then too, which suggests that they are very talented musicians.)
Perception of art is subjective, I am an open minded person and I let the music speak to me and form my own opinion. It seems that in this case the majority shares my opinion.