What are you listening to?

I'm planning on listening this later. But it's Ulver, it has to be good.

Thanks for the heads-up!

I finally bought the Kuolemanlaakso album this week, together with a few others but that's the one I'm curently listening to most. Mikko Kotamäki does the vocals; one of the promo texts described it as Ajattara meets Celtic Frost, which is not far off the mark. (Meaning Ajattara in the early days before they went down the drain.)

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Tuomas Saukkonen's latest thing. Not bad, but I don't get it why did he have to bother with disbanding all his previous projects to establish this one. Sounds like any other previous Saukkonen project. Actually, I shouldn't have raised my expectations too high in anticipating something different.

That Awkward Moment When You...

...listen to one of your favorite bands' new album on Spotify and realize that what you thought to be still part of the advertising jingle was actually the intro of the next song. :( I didn't even expect much from Turisas2013 after hearing two tracks in advance, but it's even worse than I feared. Varangian Way was a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece that would have been hardly possible to top even if they had tried, but they could at least have made an effort to keep the standard of Stand Up And Fight. Or the debut, for that matter. The last song actually sounds like a leftover from that, but at least it's a better than the eight that came before it. Wish I could say something good about this album, but even the lyrics are embarrassing more often than not. :p Ok, the melodies are still nice, albeit not very original.

Checking out the Wolfheart link as I write, I agree with what Trin wrote above. Maybe it was mostly for bookkeeping reasons that Saukkonen rolled up those different strands into one? ;) Or, more likely, to have a smaller number of different people (and their schedules) to deal with. Anyway, nice song. Oh, and this was what youtube suggested to check out next after Wolfheart was finished. FWIW.

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The buildup to Roger Waters' The Wall on Friday. The major media - print, electronic and internet - here are working themselves into a total frenzy. Kudos to the promoters for the campaign (as far as I know, the stadium is nearly sold out), though I find it rather pathetic that the majority of the media are absolutely confused about The Wall concept. - They think it's about the Berlin Wall, haha.
Anyway, I can hardly wait for Friday. I know it's not Pink Floyd, but it's the closest that I'll ever get to them... BTW, keep your fingers crossed for me - I might win a meet and greet with Roger Waters. I am not promising to be coherent, if I win it, but I will have some photos for facebook to prove it :D

Based my opinion on the new Turisas by a quite short and quick listening: not so bad Euronyme described, but under no circumstance this is nothing like Battle metal and The Varangian Way, or even like Stand Up and Fight. There is maybe two or three good songs, the rest are some kind of background clamor.
There are much basic-turisas-things, but it just does not get sally. I really hope it turns better with more spins, but I'm afraid it doesn't.
Still, i like violin stuff, and damn I love Nygård's sound.

Saukkonen and Wolfheart. I'm a bit disappointed with what have put online. I waited big things from this mastermind, but I don't know... Sounds like he puts all the things from previous band together and result is a bit semiconscious. Or maybe it is so highflown I can't catch it. :)

Why on the earth can't my fav bands just always do as good albums than earlier... :D

Ah, one of my favorite songs, in general, not just Amo. I'm listening Tuonela extensively these days. I always do when summer is at its end and when (for the last time in year), I stay up all night out in the open.


The name is fitting.
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Thanks to the Triptykon and Kuolemanlaakso posts I've been cranking Celtic Frost at least once a day. Nothing new, but...:

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For this ragged bunch of Englishmen, I interrupted a night of honest work and cycled through the pouring rain to the former wharf on the south side of the town. Totally worth it.


Too bad the video embedding function seems to be out of order. Well, click the link for the poodle song, then...

Artlantica - Across the Seven Seas. It is a well produced a little generic prog-power metal. It is a good listen though.
"In this we swell" - hahahaha! :D "Embers fire" as an opener. Hell, I wish I could see that.

Orphaned Land - the new album. Still wondering if I should go to the gig or not.
Orphaned Land were pretty good live last time I saw them. They aren't on my must see list, but they are definitely on the list of bands I'm happy to see sharing a bill with another band I like.

Paradise Lost, however,...hells yes. \m/

Halfway tempted by the Slayer/Gojira gig coming up, but I really don't like the crowds at the Slayer concerts in SoCal. Way too many White Power biker types showing NS tattoos and looking for trouble. I always get the feeling that the pit is only a short step from going all Hells-Angels-at-Altamont on some poor soul and its hard to enjoy the show when you are busy watching your back.