What are you sinful pagan hellbound a-holes giving up for lent???


I'm going hard core this year, just to see how strong I am (and to make the Pope happy :worship: ) I'm taking booze and coffee away and replacing those with green tea. Let's see how far/long I make it. And for easter, I want a 5-gallon egg filled with Irish Coffee (that's Baileys, Jamesons, and coffee for the uniniated).
Also, I told a friend of mine, who is having a problem (altough he see's it as no problem) eating "X" like it's candy, that I would not drink a drop of booze for as long as it took for him to quit eating drugs. I have to keep up my end of the bargain to prove that he can quit, and that that shit ain't good for him.
Im giving up on hoping the pope gets better for lent. Its time for the old bastard to find out that there is no god, and he wasted his whole life.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Im giving up on hoping the pope gets better for lent. Its time for the old bastard to find out that there is no god, and he wasted his whole life.
Well I'm not gonna try and convert you, but let's just assume there is a God, if that's the case, you probably just really pissed him off by slagging the Pope, the Pope is his homeboy. Ya see, that's the thing. Non-believers have more to lose.
I know I need to give up something...not smoking...not sex...not chocolate...

I think I will quit...........I don't know
i aint into the whole forgive me i am a saint routine,i dont have to give up things just to be a good person,there is no harm believing but it just aint for me,remember religion has done alot more harm than good for the world.
hmmmmmm..... don't believe in god, not worried about going to hell........ oh well.
now TD correct me if i'm wrong, but if you're friend muchin' drugs like m&m's is a bad thing and you think he should quit, are you being a hypocrite by smoking crack??? or is it casual consumption, and you don't think you have a problem..........:lol:
Actually, the purpose of lent is not really to give up what's bad for you. When you crave or desire what you have set aside for lent you are supposed to pray and spend that time with God. It's a little constant reminder to thank him for all of the good that he has done for you. It's not a time to remind yourself that you are bad, but a time to remember that He is good.
DarbysDad said:
all I know is I have to go home where my PC's not hooked up.

I heard for wife smashed after she watched the Short Film of you and Skorned1

Oh i guess i give up PORN.............. NOT
Skorned1 said:
Actually, the purpose of lent is not really to give up what's bad for you. When you crave or desire what you have set aside for lent you are supposed to pray and spend that time with God. It's a little constant reminder to thank him for all of the good that he has done for you. It's not a time to remind yourself that you are bad, but a time to remember that He is good.

OK did someone highjack you pc????? o_O
thraxx said:
OK did someone highjack you pc????? o_O


Naaaa, I'm Pagan/Catholic. I study a lot on the Catholic religion, angels, ghosts, spirits, the craft and the Universe. I like to take my future into my own hands. God helps those who help themselves and I can use all the help I can get. The least I can do is be thankful for their help. :saint:

You'd be surprised what you can get by just asking.
I'm gonna give up smoking Crack. And, to please the Lord, I'm going to start being respectful towards Buddy_Love_Bomb.

Oh, wait. I'm not catholic. And what has God done for me lately??? Nuthin.
The Venom logo rules!!!!
I tried giving up cursing... won't work. I gave up beer during Lent 2000... bad 40 days... this year, I'm giving up giving up. That means I'm not a quitter. So that's my spin on it.

I agree with Skorned... God helps those who help themselves. Actually, God has more important things to do than to worry about the cokehead contractor that is taking me to small claims court after he signed off acknowledging that he was fired. The way I look at it, there are a lot of people out there that deserve the Big Guy's attention more than me. Like little kids who lose both parents in tragedies, tsunami victims, the survivors from the Great White fire, Nathan Bray's wife and baby boy, etc.

ThraxDude said:
I'm gonna give up smoking Crack. And, to please the Lord, I'm going to start being respectful towards Buddy_Love_Bomb.

Oh, wait. I'm not catholic. And what has God done for me lately??? Nuthin.
ThraxDude said:
I'm gonna give up smoking Crack. And, to please the Lord, I'm going to start being respectful towards Buddy_Love_Bomb.

Oh, wait. I'm not catholic. And what has God done for me lately??? Nuthin.

Thanks a lot Thra:rofl:ude! The breakup wasn't bad enough that I have to see his picture all over the place!?!?! Great! Thanks for opening up an old wound!
Skorned1 said:
Thanks a lot Thra:rofl:ude! The breakup wasn't bad enough that I have to see his picture all over the place!?!?! Great! Thanks for opening up an old wound!

Did i miss something????? And i am asking fpr a picture PM me.....
TD said:
Well I'm not gonna try and convert you, but let's just assume there is a God, if that's the case, you probably just really pissed him off by slagging the Pope, the Pope is his homeboy. Ya see, that's the thing. Non-believers have more to lose.
actually in our eyes we've got nothing to lose. there's nothing thier so why worry about it?