What are your top 5 female led metal lps?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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First of all, hello to all. I am a devoted Opeth fanatic and have followed this board for a month or so. There have been some very interesting and entertaining threads here. I have finally registered, so I hope to contribute a little something to the great content here. So here I go :D

While driving around listening to Fear of God - Within the Veil, I was thinking about my favorite female led metal albums. Since I have been turned on to so many great bands by other peoples top ten lists, I would like to pose a question-

What are your top 5 female led metal albums?
(By female led I mean bands that have a female lead singer)

Mine are
  1. Fear of God - Within the Veil
  2. The Gathering - Mandylion
  3. Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin
  4. Within Temptation - Mother Earth
  5. Left Hand Solution - Fevered

    Thanks for reading and contributing.
How can you leave out Lacuna Coil????? I absolutely love Christina's voice more than any other female singer's. Aside from Anneke (who's also good but has that slow vibrato that gets annoying), she's the only female metal singer I've heard that actually sings in her range. Most either sing too high in an attempt to sound "ethereal" or something (Within Temptation) or try to pull off this fake opera shit, which absolutely repulses me.

And if one person mentions Rain Fell Within, I will vomit. They're local here, and they just have NO TALENT. Ugh, Dawn can't sing to save her life and no one can play their instruments. They got famous because a) they have a great promoter, and b) their demographic knows nothing about music anyway.

There, I've said my peace. Sorry I got so riled up before anyone even said anything to piss me off! :rolleyes: :D :D
Nightwish's "Wishmaster" definately takes this one for me, although I don't listen to a lot of female-fronted bands (although I'm beginning to more and more all the time). Arise from Thorns "Before an Audience of Stars" deserves a mention as well, I really like that record and their (after renaming themselves to "Brave") E.P. "Waist Deep in Dark Waters"


As for The Gathering, I like the tracks I've heard off of Nighttime Birds, although I haven't heard much (just the title track a few times, and a couple others here and there). Must investigate further... (said I would earlier, will get around to eventually)
1. Sinphonia-When The Tide Breaks
2. Madder Mortern-All Flesh is Grass
3. Mastermind-Angels of The Apocalypse
4. Lacuna Coil-Unleashed Memories
5. Dominion-Interface

Has anyone else listened to the Dominion or Sinphonia discs? They have been a big surprise for me. The aggressiveness of the music with the female vocals work very well with these bands. The Dominion also has an aggressive male singer who takes turns and also sings with the female singer. This could be the disc for those of you who want to see how a female singer would work with a band like Opeth.
I'd best not mention RFW then :)

Warlock were a favorite of mine in my teens, as was Lee Aaron when she still played Metal.

The worst I've heard has to be the girl who "sings" on the last Unholy album. I think she's deaf, and they have to "sign" her the lyrics as she goes along... I've kind of had to get used to it since I really like the music, but it still grates. Is she shagging the guitarist or something? I can't think of any other reason why they might choose her to be in the band.
Well, I especially like the combination of a low male voice and high female voice, so it shouldn't surprise you that I choose the following (not in any particular order):

- Lake of Sorrow by The Sins of Thy Beloved
- Velvet Darkness They Fear by Theatre of Tragedy
- Widow's Weeds by Tristania
- Mandylion by The Gathering
- and, hmmm, let's say Oceanborn by Nightwish

am i missing anything??

Onan: Hell yeah! This is one of the most original cds ive heard ever. It was made in '92 i think. Its their only album. Incredible musicians, from Death and Aghora and alot of other bands.
If youve heard of Atheist, they sound a bit like them, because they fuse jazz and metal. And the singer uses some cool effects and shit.
Here´s my list:

° Nightwish "Wishmaster"
° The Gathering "Mandylion"
° Opera IX "Sacro Culto"
° Within Temptation - I didn´t like the new album but Sharon´s vocals are very good.

Originally posted by foxdvd
The lead singer of Dream Theater sounds like a girl, so does that count? :)

Out of all the crushed-ball, helium-voice singers in metal, you had to pick on James? Tsk, tsk.
I'm a bit perplexed about this whole Rain Fell Within thing. Granted, I don't know a whole lot about them and I've never seen them live but I have some mp3's as well as some mp3's from Dawn's new solo effort. From what I've heard, I really like it.
I absolutely love Dawn's voice. Maybe I'm just not seeing the whole picture. Anyone care to elaborate?

Oh, by the way, you can vomit now Lina!:lol:
OK, I'm back from vomiting now. :lol: :D

Obviously, this is all a matter of personal preference, but here's why I HATE them with a passion. Dawn is a total scenester who thinks wearing torn fishnet stockings makes up for the fact that she can't sing. It's like the bands who wear corpse paint to distract you from how bad their music is. I've never heard her do a show where she wasn't completely flat. She's even flat on "Believe." There's just no excuse to be flat on a recording!!! It's not like you only have one shot at it -- do it right! Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. And one of their guitarists was in the band just because he was booted out of -- not one -- but TWO local bands because he was so bad...here's the kicker... as a bassist. But I just went to the website and saw that he left the band to pursue his computer career, so I guess that doesn't matter. :rolleyes:

I suppose this sounds unnecessarily harsh, so let me explain. I've seen several REALLY talented bands in this area who can't get any acclaim and it just really bugs me that RFW has succeeded apparently because they have the right "look." Dark Symphonies has been great to them, and hey, more power to them for that, I guess. I mean, they aren't the worst band ever, don't get me wrong. I just don't think they deserve all the success they've had. Oh well. :confused:
Onan: Hell yeah! This is one of the most original cds ive heard ever. It was made in '92 i think. Its their only album. Incredible musicians, from Death and Aghora and alot of other bands.
If youve heard of Atheist, they sound a bit like them, because they fuse jazz and metal. And the singer uses some cool effects and shit.
uhhh..... that wasn't what i meant, i know Cynic, they are one hell of a band but i can't understand why they were mentioned here, in the female led metal lps thread...