What do fans of Swano (and maybe Swano) think about the War in Iraq?

Originally posted by Timmeth
Dreamlord, it's kind of hard to get things done around here when Congress can't progess. Just my view on things...

Well, lets get some people in there that WILL do something.
If the States were to "fall", the world economy would go to shit. Eventually, it would rebuild itself, but not for a long time.
What’s funny is.... the second the Iraqi soldiers see those indestructible American Tanks rumbling across the desert... and they hear the F16s in the distant sky... they will drop their pea-shooters and fall to their knees just like they did in Desert Storm. During Desert Storm they received better treatment and better food in the makeshift P.O.W. camps than they did from their own military. They want Saddam out as badly as anyone else does. No one will be killed with the exception of friendly fire, this is if anything happens at all... “wait and see” attitude, I suppose.
Here's a song about the topic - the tune is the same as in "If You're Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands".

If we cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets hurt your Mama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are Saudi
And the bank takes back your Audi
And the TV shows are bawdy,
Bomb Iraq.

If the corporate scandals growin', bomb Iraq.
And your ties to them are showin', bomb Iraq.
If the smoking gun ain't smokin'
We don't care, and we're not jokin'
That Saddam will soon be croakin',
Bomb Iraq.

Even if we have no allies, bomb Iraq.
From the sand dunes to the valleys, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections
Let's look tough for the elections
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

While the globe is slowly warming, bomb Iraq.
Yay! the clouds of war are storming, bomb Iraq.
If the ozone hole is growing
Some things we prefer not knowing
(Though our ignorance is showing),
Bomb Iraq.

So here's one for dear old daddy, bomb Iraq,
From his favorite little laddy, bomb Iraq.
Saying no would look like treason
It's the Hussein hunting season
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.

nice song! and just why do I have the suspicion the lyrics are very true :( *hehee* just imagine that as singalong for keeping up a high moral amongst the militaries.. ;)
Originally posted by Gnuckell
We'll i'd say that it's not exactly comforting to know that one of the stupidest people in the world is sitting there in the U.S with his finger on a button.

HAHAHAHA... some of these folks need to get record deals for comedy albums. Here's the deal, if you even get accepted to either Harvard or Yale, your name doesn't belong anywhere in a discussion of world's stupidest people, understand? Now I know what college people go to is only a small part of intellect, etc., but this was the quickest and most obvious example of why he's not as stupid as the liberal media (and pretty much anything you hear outside of our borders) would have you believe. And the whole "finger on a button" thing is always uber-comical to me... yeah, just this one guy decides he wants to drop a nuclear bomb (which hasn't happened in probably any of our lifetimes), and our very democratic, red-tapeish government will let him with no qualms, no discussion, etc. That makes SOOOOO much sense, man!
Originally posted by Crimson Death
This is popularity war basiclly and control war, Bush wants to keep the oil and keep the popularity after Sep 11th. So he prepares us with promos and such...

Basiclly Israel is stuck in the middle and we are already fighting one war.

Oh, absolutely, I'm sure this is all about popularity, ESPECIALLY since about 99% of the living, breathing universe is completely against the idea of us cleaning house. Bush will be so popular after this, hippies and Europeans love it when we bomb people.

Sarcasm, of course. Good thinking, ace.
Originally posted by Gargol
If you guys want to know the truth about this war and the manipulation in the world please take a look:


Thank you, almighty one, for bestowing absolute truth upon our unworthy heads... nevermind the fact that no matter what your opinion is on any single subject ever discussed, you could find articles/lectures/facts supporting it, and that there are really only a handful of people who do know the truth of the matter (i.e. those who are deciding our national matters). Hey, let me tell you about the TRUTH of how I produce magical puppets in my workshop... give me a break.
Originally posted by ~nightfall~
BUSH must die

Last one for today, sorry but I have a hair-trigger with stuff like this...

You, sir, are an absolute buffoon, you have managed with 3 words to make a complete mockery of yourself and your entire family tree. My most heartfelt condolences on the pitiful life you currently have in progress.
two things I have to say towards this:

a) maybe read my first post on this topic

b) And, did you know that George W's presidential library burned down?
A tragedy! Both books were lost, and he wasn't even finished colouring one of them...
I was kinda' asking for opinions with some kind of validation to them. Some just showed up with slander and nonsense.