What do you do with your tickets stubs?


Sep 21, 2004





This is something we did with some of our tickets. We put them in a frame and hung it on a wall. It actually turned out pretty good. I just wish I didn't lose alot of mine from the late eighties. There are quite a few old school bands represented! What ya think?
Very Nice!!! I'm thinking about getting one of those for all the matchbooks I collect when I travel. I like the look! I put my ticket stubs in a photo album and put in stickers, reviews, guitar picks, autographs and whatever else I get at the show. I have 2 albums dedicated to only the Scorpions shows, one album dedicated to only Iron Maiden shows, then I have 3 photo albums for any other shows. I believe that the Whitesnake show will end the 3rd and for Gigantour I will have to start number 4. :D



I've got all mine in a box along with a few other trinkets. I really should do something constructive with them like framing them. I sadly have lost some of the really early ones years ago but luckily have the majority from the shows I've attended.
From looking at the collages above I find most striking the dramatic difference in ticket price. You can see that for the longest time they were affordable. They slowly increased in time which is to be expected. But when you get to fairly recent times you see a exponential increase! Can anyone really explain a logical reason for shows going from an acceptable $25 - $35 to a thoroughly outlandish $75 and above? Personally, I feel it's utter bullshit and people need to scream in protest. I'll never go to another "big" show again. There is no fucking way in hell ANY show is worth $80 - $200+.
SavaRon said:
This is something we did with some of our tickets. We put them in a frame and hung it on a wall. It actually turned out pretty good. I just wish I didn't lose alot of mine from the late eighties. There are quite a few old school bands represented! What ya think?

Thats an Awsome Idea Ron!!! You have seen some awsome fucking shows!!! I have all mine in a lil photo album not nearly enougg or as impressive as wht you have there!!!!!!!!! ofcourse the fact that nobody comes to Vermont is a main factor there :erk: .... But that is Awsome!!!!
SavaRon said:
This is something we did with some of our tickets. We put them in a frame and hung it on a wall. It actually turned out pretty good. I just wish I didn't lose alot of mine from the late eighties. There are quite a few old school bands represented! What ya think?

That looks great Ron. That was a good idea.

Don't have enough so I just store them in a notebook.
Thanks! I just wish I hadn't lost some of the others I had. I don't know how many are missing, but there are quite a few. We already have about ten more shows worth of tickets for the next one. Alot of show this year! :D

About the prices...The cheapest one in there is the Scorps from 1984 for $13.50. We still see alot of shows for $20-$30 dollars. It seems it's the nastalgia acts that charge top dollar at the larger arenas. We paid $45 a ticket for Def Leppard/Tesla last week and the same price for Judas Priest/Queensryche tonight. Kind of pricey, but what gets me is the damn service charges. Two tickets = $90 right? Wrong, some how $45 + $45 = $120! Ticketmaster/Clear Channel are fucking robbing us blind. Two tickets to most shows usually ends up being almost the cost of three. That just plain sucks. I try to avoid TM as much as possible, but most of the time it's the only way to go. I hate that fucking company!