What do you started the year with?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
This is a silly one. What was the music you started the year with?

Since I went to bed before midnight the first thing I put today was Flotsam And Jetsam, so tht makes the start of 2005 :D
I played the entire Mechanical Poet CD before getting into bed on jan 1st....After some houres of silly newyear music shows on TV that is...
That's funny the past two years I paid attention to what the first cd was I played on January 1. Last year it was Brainstorm's Soul Temptation. This year it was Pagan's Mind with their recently re released first album Infinity Divine featuring a crushing cover of King Diamond's "At The Graves"
When the ball dropped I was listening to Lamb of God - The Black Dahlia, the first cd I listened to for the new year was Annihilator - Alice in Hell/Never Neverland.
The first thing I listened to was a Grim Reaper bootleg from 1984...
I was with my girlfriend and I was listening to "Too Numb To Cry" by Zakk Wylde off Book of Shadows. What a great freaking album

ps: I know I am a pussy because I put "freaking". I have been trying to remove that word from my vocab for the past couple of months and have been successful so I didn't want to screw it up by posting the "f" word now. To me it just makes a whole sentence, no matter how properly worded and elequient, sounds soo stupid *end of PSA
Wyvern said:
Paaaaaaarrrrrttttyyyy! Bad girl:p

:lol: Nope! Not me :) I don't drink or party.......remember? I usually watch the New Years Eve thingy from New York, but I was asleep and missed the whole thing this year :(
wdiv said:
The first thing I listened to was a Grim Reaper bootleg from 1984...

Now THAT's fucking old school!!!!!!! :)

First disc of the new year was the new Silvertide cd... damn, I've gotta get that thing out of my player!!! :)

Dodens Grav said:
Album: Metal Church - The Dark
Song: Ton Of Bricks

Cool! Think I'll pop that in right now, have not heard that forever.
I started making out with some chick at a new years party when the ball dropped on tv or whatever, but my friends put on the Opeth DVD an hour or so later.