what do you think is the greatest Metal album ever

Thousand Swords is probably my personal choice. Transilvanian Hunger is good but overated...not very varied, and not as atmospheric as Under A Funeral Moon.I really, really don't like Number of the Beast.
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Enslaved's "Vikingligr Veldi", Under A Funeral Moon and Arcturus' "Aspera Hiems Symfonia" are strong contenders too.
Reign in Blood, while being a cool energetic recording, is hardly the wonderful masterpiece everyone hails it to be. In the Nightside Eclipse is just plain irritating. Overuse of keys, poor songwriting, tinny production, annoying vocals. The Arcturus release is cheesy horror-film music with FAR too much synth. The Mayhem and Enslaved releases are decent, if patchy.
Under a Stone said:
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence , no arguement.
Hooray, a choice I don't have to disagree with.

Oh, and to the girl in the Emperor hoodie, stop being synonymous with the phrase 'has bad taste and is a stupid fuck'.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Oh, and to the girl in the Emperor hoodie, stop being synonymous with the phrase 'has bad taste and is a stupid fuck'.

Now, now... I know that being a Graveland fanboy means you must be perpetually on the rag, but don't get all hissy just because Rob's battle armor isn't as cool as Ihsahn's.

That was a good one-liner, though.. congrats on that.