What do you think of the song "Sweet Nurse"?


The CNP is Evil...
Apr 7, 2004
Lowell,MA USA
I love this song! Eventhough I think it's one of their most mainstream sounding soungs. I bet if this song got airplay it would have down well, and maybe a hit. :headbang:
I have never heard any song quite like this one. Not from Katatonia or anyone else. It is extremely catchy, with the bulid up from that quiet verse via the bridge, to the glorious chorus. I have other favourites, but it's very good, and very special.
I like the song but a friend of mine hates it simply because he read ahead in the lyrics and the song didn't do what he thought it would do.

And Tyrman, don't worry about creating threads like this. It keeps the traffic moving.
I really love this song as well. Although it is not my favorite on LFDGD(that would definitely go to "i transpire"), I do really appreciate the minimalism and the excellent delivery of Jonas. His longing is portrayed so perfectly in that little ditty.
Oh, and I see no problem with starting a thread about a song either. Discussing one song on an album is fine, as it explores that specific dynamic of the whole. An anatomy of aesthetics, if you will. And by that you can gain a more reinforced admiration of the whole album itself.
My favourite songs on LFDGD are Clean Today, Passing Bird and Sweet Nurse, but a lot of the others are close behind

Sweet Nurse IS a pretty unique song. i don't think many other bands have anything quite like it.
yeah, definitely a very good song!
it has a great melody; and the chorus has that melancholic feeling...i love to sing that driving...

this song has been quite controversial...

time ago, someone created a thread, asking if this was a happy song...and it is always present in song's discussions.

anyway, great song!

yeah Tyrman, keep creating threads. :headbang:
One of the best songs on Last Fair Deal. Another of the few cases of 'happy riffs/melodies, depressing lyrics' with Katatonia. Great contrast.
undoubtedly is 'Sweet Nurse' impressive, everything on it is so dopey - music and lyrics..
"and so i have to drink the water with your poison spilled for no more will.."
It's definitely a great song... very unusual too in that it involves a nurse! I think it's one of many brilliant moments on 'LFDGD'
Just looking through this thread and thought I would comment. I guess this song is special to me because I can relate to it. Ive been in psych wards and its like that. I just wanted someone to talk to and to have a human response and all I would get is " its a nice day Mr. Correll, dont you think you should get out of bed?". Then they would dope me up to keep me from freaking out and thus I would sit in bed all day. They had complete controll over me, I had no will because of the "poison". Then once in awhile someone cool would be working and they would talk with me for awhile, and dope me up to get me to shut up I imagine.
That again is one of the reasons I love Katatonia so much----I can relate to it----