To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Also I am particularly fond of my mom, wife, and the spirit of my Grammaw + Grandfather. I am also very lucky to have an amazing mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Dad and I get along these days, took until I was 30 for that to happen. I have a small but amazing group of friends. When we bought a house, 15 people showed up to help us move, no questions asked. That was an emotionally good thing.
I also fucking love my old Mesa tube amp and Bergantino 4x12 cab, because it is so loud that it makes my pants flap in the bass-breeze. Two basses and two pedals have my particular eye/ear, and likely always will. I also enjoy having 10 digits on my hands that function correctly, especially after dealing with some pretty band tendonitis in my early 20s.
The desert. I could not live without the desert. The mountains. I would not want to live without them. Being able to pilot a recreational vehicle in a beautiful part of the planet. Ghost towns!
Beer. Two legs. Full head of hair. A job that doesn't suck. Books. Film. Art. Adventure. Cheese.
Finally... experiencing music. I could lose all of the above, but if I went deaf, I would kill myself.