What does it all mean?

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
someone enlighten me: what is metalcore and nu-metal and all the other hated versions of metal? ive never heard these before i got on this board.
what category would korn fall into?
what category would linkin park fall into (and die there)?
Nu-metal is stuff like Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit - "mainstream" acts, for want of a better word.
No idea about all these crazy -core genres. Hardcore, emocore, metalcore, mallcore, spazcore, speedcore.... :err:
a-fucking-men niel, i agree.
i don't give a shit if something is labeled as something "metalheads" aren't supposed to like, because i'm proud to say i'm not a closeminded metal obsessed person. i like other stuff too. while opeth is indeed the most enjoyable band to me, i also love the beatles, and (OMG!) i like slipknot too!1!!! but not in the cool kid way, just to like them cause its the cool thing, i actually think they got an interesting thing going on. if you actually listen to what they write, it's good, and it's pretty agressive, so i enjoy that too. i love classic rock, i like billy joel a lot, and sometimes i'm even in the mood for a little snoop/dre, but then i'll go and listen to arch enemy or some type of metal.
just wanted to say that..it's okay to like more than like 30 metal bands, exclusively, go out and enjoy some different stuff.
and no, i don't like linkin park, i find them to be terrible haha.
As said before, Nu-metal is commercial stuff. Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, the new and made worse Metallica...its mostly crap. catchy, maybe, but if you don't like pop cuz of its simplicity you won't like nu-metal either. i think of it as the new face of glam.

Metalcore, if i understand correctly, is bands going as fast as they possibly can, unlike nu-metal, which tries to go as loud as possible. anyway, its considered crap cuz none of the music is exactly born of creative genius. the only exception in my opinion is Carcass, and maybe Napalm Death sometimes. Carcass was incredibly fast but had ideas they were expressing in their music. although technicaly they're grindcore, but personally i don't know the difference...
I just hate all those genres. I like music but there is allways some idiot telling you what is ponrcore and what is dickcore. It just makes me sick. I listen to music because I like it, thats all.
If it's mainstream, it's usualy pretty appealing to the standard human being... which means it's accessible and often simple (not always).
The word mallcore makes sense to me if its describing those bands you see on the wall at Hot Topic and on the fucking kids walking through the mall as if their choice in music is the be all and end all of taste and you suck if you aren't as cool as them even though they don't know shit because they only know what the wall tells them and what the shitty corporate owned (read Clear Channel) station plays on its narrow ass playlist (late-era Metallica, Disturbed) and what their friends tell them is cool all the while not knowing about...the underground, where yes there's a lot of shit there too, but there's also musical gems to be found if one looks hard enough, and yes, the followers of underground music know all about those bands on the wall and may indeed even like some of them (the new Slipknot isn't bad), they just draw from a much deeper well, and even though there are snobs that act just as ridiculously as the mallcore contingent, more often then not, its just people who like good music.
Nu-Metal : A term given by the underground and adapted by the media, in regards to the "modern era sounding metal" bands such as: Korn, Disturbed, Limp Bizkit, POD, Linkin Park. This genre often contains hip hop or rap elements, as well as the turn table...also often found in hip hop or other afro-american cultural music. This is usually based on the common pop formula idiom and meant for radio air play and mass appeal.

Hardcore: A Genre of extreme (and typically juvenile) music based on hardcore punk and adapting elements of metal into it. The lyrics usually contain messages of self discipline and/or esteem, anti drug use/politics/relationship issues and usually in a violent or aggressive way. The music usually always features "breakdowns" which is a simplified and exagerrated portion of the song typically meant for the audience to dance in a very silly and violent way (typically an alternative to the "mosh pit".) Some example bands are: Hatebreed, Strife, Eighteen Visions, Throwdown, Zao and Earth Crisis. Usually fags listen to this genre.

Metalcore: A relatively new sub genre of metal which takes the recent influence of the "gothenburg metal" scene and melds it with the above hardcore scene in the sense that they take verses and chrouses based on melodic "at the gates or in flames" styled riffs then put the before mentioned "breakdowns" in it as well. This started in America, and continues to prominantly stay there...thank god. This genre, more often thought of as metal than hardcore, is liked by both subcultures, and seems to be the melting pot of them. Some example bands are: Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Avenged Sevenfold, God Forbid, etc This genre is also terrible, please steer clear at all costs.

Emo: dont listen to this.

People who think that genre labeling is stupid are usually countless times more stupid.

Person A: <BandName> are really good!
Person B: Oh cool, what type of music are they?
Person A: I can't say! I'M NOT A CLOSED MINDED FOOL!!!1

thank you, darkness eternal

shadows fall isnt metalcore, i'm almost positive they're thrash...a good example of metalcore is The Red Chord, supposed to be like the biggest one.
and don't ever listen to emo, or I WILL KILL YOU.