What does it all mean?

Yeah, that clip is so damn cliche, its unbelievably sarcastic. I bought the Satyricon - Volcano album, and im pretty much of the opinion that it sucks completely.
Volcano is great. Well produced, with a nice metallic atmosphere. Not groundbreaking, but who cares. It reminds me of some lost metal album that somehow surfaced today. Black Lava...
dorian gray said:
IAmEternal: who are you talking to exactly? not me, i hope. i was merely inquiring what these labels mean as I am a bit older than most of the people on here, don't have the typical influences, don't read the typical magazines, don't listen to much metal so I am not exposed to such terms as "metalcore" until i get on this board. actually the first time i heard "nu-metal" was at an opeth concert when my friend commented on devil driver's vocalist.
anyway, you may not be talking to me but i just wanted to clear it up so i dont get some reputation as close-minded.

Your best friend is http://www.metal-archives.com. Browse bands in a genre you know you like, and listen to some of their stuff. Gradually listen to more bands and the genre boundaries will blur, then you start listening to other genres. Bingo, eclectic metal taste.
coolsnow7 said:
Grind/Core: A relatively small movement, grind/core is about the fastest music, intelligable or unintelligable. the guitars are so fast they almost sound ambient, the drums are faster than physically possible, and everything else is so loud that u cant hear the bassist even if u wanted to. the vocals are basically death metal vocals, and the lyrics depend on the band, though the two main ones are basically gore and politics.
Representative Bands: Carcass, Napalm Death

When it first appeared in the mid-'80s, grindcore in its purest form consisted of short, apocalyptic blasts of noise played on standard heavy metal instrumentation (distorted guitar, bass, drums). Although grindcore wasn't just randomly improvised, it certainly didn't follow conventional structure, either; while riffs could sometimes be picked out, pure grindcore never featured verses, choruses, or even melodies.Grindcore vocals sounded torturous, ranging from high-pitched shrieks to low, throat-shredding growls and barks; although the lyrics were usually quite verbose, they were very rarely intelligible.

Grindcore's jaw-dropping aggression was so over the top that pointing to its roots in thrash metal and hardcore punk hardly gives an idea of what it actually sounds like. Indisputably, the band that invented grindcore was Napalm Death, whose 1987 debut album Scum is also perhaps the most representative example of the style. In Napalm Death's hands, grindcore was actually rather arty, a sonic metaphor for the bleakness, violence, and decay of modern society; the group's lyrics were additionally packed with angry social commentary

However, grindcore's original form was inherently limiting, and its intensity could easily turn into self-parody; on Napalm Death's second album, they had already begun to experiment with industrial textures, a fusion that would prove popular not only with bands who loved the jackhammer rhythms a drum machine could provide, but also with slower, moodier bands like Godflesh (itself a Napalm Death offshoot).

Grindcore's blistering intensity was assimilated not only into underground heavy metal, but also into avant-garde and experimental music circles; Japanese noise bands like the Boredoms and Merzbow found it inspiring, and jazz musician John Zorn formed the grindcore-inspired group Painkiller . Although pure grindcore was a distinctly British phenomenon, the early albums by the Florida band Death - which ratcheted up the aggression and morbidity of prime Slayer - had a raw, crude, assaultive quality that made them extremely similar. Apart from adopting the low, demonic growl of the grindcore vocal style almost wholesale, American death metal bands with relatively limited technical ability who played at fast tempos often resembled grindcore outfits with song structures.

Basically, The variety seen among the genre's own frontrunners is example enough of the contrast that can be seen within the not-too-well-defined limits of grindcore. One typically doesn't immediately recognize many similarities when bands like cephalic carnage and Fuck I'm Dead are mentioned in the same breath. But I personally feel that it is this that makes the genre unique. Because there are no definite boundaries within the genre itself, there exists potential for many more possibilites than exist wthin the confines of deathmetal. I also doubt that the genre will ever have to worry about becoming over exposed, even within the underground, because there are so many different ways to write and play a grindcore piece. This is music on it's most primal level, and it, for that very reason, will likely keep it from gaining the attention of the masses. Grindcore sells to musicians, not listeners. The corporate barbarism that has recently all but extiguished the ambitious flame within the community of underground musicians can thankfully never be applied here, because there is required a depth of understanding that your average high school headbanger cannot even begin to comprehend, to recognize the true artistic value of grindcore. Sermon over.
....because there is required a depth of understanding that your average high school headbanger cannot even begin to comprehend, to recognize the true artistic value of [1n53r7 /\/\y f4v3 m374| g3/\/r3 h3r3].
You think Burzum aren't black metal? Is Aske not a black metal album!?

Okay maybe the later "fisher price keyboards" work isn't really comparable to darkthrone, but cmon the earlier stuff is definitely black metal.
coolsnow7 said:
about 40 people will tell me i'm stereotyping and not being openminded, but if you like metalcore then why would you be on an opeth board?
I assume you were talking to me?

If so.... bwhahahahahahahaha

That rules.

You're right, I should only listen to one specific genre of metal, and not even think about listening to any other kinds of music like funk or post rock or whatever.

You win!

coolsnow7 said:
my point was that ironically metalcore is, as someone defined it, terrible, and simple. opeth is awesome and complex. interesting that someone would listen to both. only i said that differently.
So music MUST be comlpex to be good right?

heh ... wow.