What Does Royal Carnage mean?

shipping charges.

They're all XL - very simple RC logo on the front, with the moon + raven on back with "Cattle Die..." phrase blurbed over, in an almost legible fashion. I think I have 3 left over, and will make new shirts (with new design) early '05.

Look, it gets you chicks, what more do you want? :loco:
GETS ME CHICKS!!!??? NO WAY!!!!! I'LL TAKE THEM ALL!!!! :loco: (nah, I'll just take one). Unfortunately I don't have paypal yet so I'll have to either wait until december when I get my chequing account (and then my paypal account) all set up or I can send you cash in the mail.
Fatass americans need to increase their shirt sizes because if everyone was wearing XXL they'd realize that they are fat and they'd quit buying fast food and just think of what that would do to the economy.
I know...it's tough....next time, I'll make a bunch of different sizes with a much better design and hopefully people here will buy them to cover the costs of us making more than one size.

I'll keep the skaldic verse though, and take away the URL. Maybe steal some Gustav Dore artwork.

The current shirt will never be available again, so it will become a collectors item. I hear it fetches 20,000 turkish lire on jooBay.
Jay, PM me your address and an estimate of what you think it will cost to send a shirt to Canada and I'll send you some cash. There's a currency exchanger near where I'm seeing GWAR tomorrow.
lurch70 said:
sir Head Carnage ... I'll take one in XL please ... where to PayPal the money?
Reserved. Might be snug on you. Do you normally wear XL - if so, it'll be fine. I'll PM you.

NicodemiX said:
Jay, PM me your address and an estimate of what you think it will cost to send a shirt to Canada and I'll send you some cash. There's a currency exchanger near where I'm seeing GWAR tomorrow.
Reserved. I'll get back to you tomorrow with an estimate. I don't imagine it'll be much since I'm in New York.
fotmbm said:
runes and icelandic kthx
This was the original idea, to have some Nordic original interpretation in the background, and then modern English traced over in the foreground...but it becomes messy in print, unless you really fade the background which then becomes meaningless.

I'll figure something out, but yeah, I want to be true to the original verse since it's so beautiful. If anything, I'd take out the English.
Reserved. Might be snug on you. Do you normally wear XL - if so, it'll be fine. I'll PM you.
what are you saying? I am fat ... is this some kind of weight joke ... wait till I lose some weight ... I'll show you skinny people :loco:

but, yes XL works for me :grin: