What does your DT collection consist of?

Originally posted by Ormir
@Tinus: You're a lucky bastard MadTinus! Take good care of those records, and bask in the knowledge I'd kill for them ;)
Luckily I didn't have to kill for them, in retrospect I'm happy I went to that show back in '95 and that I ordered A Moonclad Reflection when it was still available... :)

Then there are some items missing, like the special 10" CD versions and I don't have any live bootlegs, though I'd like to, I saw a lot of people have them in MP3, anyone know where can I get them..?
well i have as follows:

The gallery
Mind's I
projector (had, girlfriend left it in radio when she had the car dealer changed it and the got rid of old radio.:(
most of sky on cpu (cd will be coming in june)

Thats it so far.
Originally posted by red_beef
- red_beef (who thinks hunting for the Japanese version is quite trilling)

Hey, Red_beef, any news about your hunt for the Japanese Haven for me and Rahvin (it was you, who promised to seek for it, right)?

And remember to be ready when Damage Done is out!

@Villain: I have already ask my friend at a record store to keep 4 copy of DT: DD japaness edition. One for me 3 for you, rahvin & another lucky person... I'll PM both you & rahvin when I get my hands on it.

- red_beef (this cafe is fuckin' full... miss posting from home...)
My "collection" concists of these:

The Gallery
Of Chaos And Eternal Night
Enter Suicide Angels
The Minds Eye
Originally posted by rahvin
@red_beef: :notworthy :notworthy

Gotta second that! :hotjump:

A huge THANK YOU in advance!

...still, is there by any chance any copies of the Japanese Haven lying around in the corners of that shop..?

hmmm i don't think they are extremely rare,since there are big chances to come across them into stores who sell-second hand metal vinyls (at least in athens)...yet it is not sth that happens every day ;)
besides their price is usually (at least here) sth like 30€ :cry: ..which is imo high.....so if next time you find them at a good price,you'd better grab them :)
Hmmm *desperately trying to figure which one to deny from "cute", "lil" and "girlies"* :rolleyes:

Well, you just lost your chance to point out that cds are protected from pcs, not from fuckin :p :p :p
Originally posted by Villain

...still, is there by any chance any copies of the Japanese Haven lying around in the corners of that shop..?


i dunno about that Villain. guess i ask around. i just wanna know when is the japaness release date. i'll see to it if my friend could get some from Japan.

- red_beef (beef!)
Originally posted by Siren
Well, you just lost your chance to point out that cds are protected from pcs, not from fuckin :p :p :p

nah, I think it's more than enough if I inform you that my cds are not protected :p
Skydancer - Jewel case
Of chaos and Eternal Night - Jewel case
Skydancer+Of Chaos and Eternal Night - Jewel case (American vers.)
The Gallery - Jewel case
Enter Suicidal Angels - Jewel case
The Mind's I - Jewel case
Projector - Digipack
Haven - Digipack

not yet :cry:

Alfred (eager for update :grin:)
Dark Tranquillity have been my favourite band for about 4 years, and they still have a strong hold on #1, and I'm sure they will continue to be that for a long, long time.

My DT collection:

Skydancer + Of Chaos and Eternal Night
The Gallery
Enter Suicidal Angels
The Mind's I
Damage Done
