What does your family/parents think of extreme metal? My parents hate it, I'm not trying to correlate religion with music likes or dislikes by any means but if my parents knew I was listening to such songs by Emperor as "I Am The Black Wizards" "Inno A Satana", or Morbid Angel's "Rapture" they'd freak out as they're against anything that resembles anti-Christianity and magic(Wicca and Paganism included). I'm 18 now so I'll listen to what the hell I want to. I was watching the documentary 'Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" when the part on black metal came on and my Mom's familiar with my love for Emperor and my face turns blood red when they start talking about the church-burning by some of the members of the black metal bands and then my mom asks "Is black metal Satanic music praising the Devil?", I think "Oh, shit and say no, it's music that features screeching vocals while death metal uses death growls. Is your family similar to the way mine act?