What does your family/parents think of extreme metal?

My mom who just happens to be a composer actually enjoys when I listen to stuff like Sonata Arctica,Ozzy,Nightwish and other soft stuff in the car but one time I tried Nile on her and she still thinks I should have my ears checked.
Other than that,I have heard her play Hotel California,dreamer and still loving you on her piano several times and she also asked me to give her a copy of a Therion album.
My mother likes Agalloch, Burning Saviours, and a couple of others things. My father likes Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest, but he doesn't really care about anything that he didn't grow up listening to and calls everything "[insert one of the previously mentioned bands] ripoffs."
My mother and younger sister like some of it. My dad is stuck in the 70's so he's not really into. He can tell when musicians,etc. are good so it's not like he think it is noise.
my whole family hates it, if i so much as put on mild hardcore/metal like coldread, then my mother makes a face like she is in excrutiating pain, and turns it down or off while screaming
My mom seems to tolerate it. My step-dad used to listen to Black Sabbath and stuff, so I put on Reverend Bizarre in the car once. I think he enjoyed it, though I think Candlemass would have been a better choice. He likes to mock growling vocals though, which sometimes pisses me off (when anyone does it really).
My father said Reverend Bizarre is too slow. Admittedly, it took me a listen or two to get used to the pace as well.
Stormwatch said:
My wife hates it when I listen to something like Morbid Angel, Deicide or even Judas Priest (unless it's Breaking The Law). She's alright with Def Leppard though.

My wife originally hated metal when we first met eight years ago. Thanks to constant play in the house, in my car and in her car - she now has a few bands she likes:

Some melodi-death stuff
Immortal (!)


Death Metal
Judas Priest
All Doom

My dad and brother are both metal-heads though. :kickass: Son no.1 (aged 2 1/2) air - punches and gives a "hey, hey, hey" to any demi-chugga riffed track. Son no.2 (in late period of gestation) appears to react very violently to metal - so here's hoping he's not a fucking poof. :kickass:
i wish anyone in my family was a metalhead. my uncle is, but the heaviest he goes is metallica, maiden, rob zombie, and pantera. those are all good, but dont exactly meet my needs. i want a true metalhead in my family.
My parents don´t give a fuck unless I play it too loud so that the volume bothers them, but that would have been the case with pop or some other shit too.

I did get my father remotely interested in Judas Priest and Iron Maiden though
my dad is very narrow minded and refuses to listen to anything in the genre of metal, and automatically writes it off as screaming bullshit. he wouldnt listen to iron maiden no matter how hard i tried to convince him Bruce dickonson sings more than ac/dc (his fav band) does. i finally got him to check it out, and he is now coming to the maiden concert with me. :lol: