What does your family/parents think of extreme metal?

No one in my family really cares about any type of music and don't really listen to much of anything. I try to get my younger brother into metal, but it is a lost casue. He enjoys it while I am playing it in my car but he has no desire to go listen to it on his own. My mom can tolerate and even likes a bit of metal but she hates extreme vocals.
My parents never really listened to any music except for the radio while driving. They never cared about what I was listening to though when I was living there (I left 8 years ago). My mom just seems to have problems with some of the covers of the cds I have. For some reason she didn't seem to like Impaled - Choice cuts. I still can't understand why...

My sister just like to dance so all she listens to is like stuff that you can hear in a bar. My younger brother liked a bit of it when he was around 10 and asked me to make like compilation tapes for him. But he started liking rap a little later. I even gave him one of my guitars with and amplifier to try and bring back to better music then 50 cents and all this crap. It didn't work and now he's walking around in baggy pants with bling bling...that's not a nice to see. :erk:
Ben_t said:
My mom just seems to have problems with some of the covers of the cds I have. For some reason she didn't seem to like Impaled - Choice cuts. I still can't understand why...

Isn't Choice Cuts a Carcass Compilation as well? Anyway, Impaled album covers are always good for a laugh.
Necuratul said:
My father said Reverend Bizarre is too slow. Admittedly, it took me a listen or two to get used to the pace as well.
Which is why I showed him "Crush the Insects", though after the first few songs, it was probably too slow as well.
my dad's favourite bands are drudkh, deathspell omega, blut aus nord, burzum, the chasm, beherit, necrophobic

my mum's favourite band is dark tranquillity, but she also likes some good shit like aeternus, eucharist, burzum (and some atrocious crap like fucking blue, the kaiser chiefs, nickelback and james morrison)
Ben_t said:
My parents never really listened to any music except for the radio while driving. They never cared about what I was listening to though when I was living there (I left 8 years ago). My mom just seems to have problems with some of the covers of the cds I have. For some reason she didn't seem to like Impaled - Choice cuts. I still can't understand why...

My sister just like to dance so all she listens to is like stuff that you can hear in a bar. My younger brother liked a bit of it when he was around 10 and asked me to make like compilation tapes for him. But he started liking rap a little later. I even gave him one of my guitars with and amplifier to try and bring back to better music then 50 cents and all this crap. It didn't work and now he's walking around in baggy pants with bling bling...that's not a nice to see. :erk:

maybe you should euthanize your brother, cause it seems like there's no hope.
Mike27 said:
i wish anyone in my family was a metalhead. my uncle is, but the heaviest he goes is metallica, maiden, rob zombie, and pantera. those are all good, but dont exactly meet my needs. i want a true metalhead in my family.

and you think you have it rough. I'm really into grindcore and no one I know in family will touch that shit. let alone shit like black metal and death metal (which I also like).
No one in my family likes metal and I have but one metalhead friend, though he's not very deep into it. He and I are the only real metalheads at our school. The rest are all poser metalcore assholes who think The Agony Scene is screamo. I hate when everyone labels shit with harsh vocals as screamo. :mad:
You know what I dream about a lot. My favorite metal bands in the future. Will they still be making music when they are like in their 60s? lmao. Grey haired metalheads. How I would love to see that. How about some Opeth when the vocalist is all old. I want to hear him try to growl!!
While my parents don't listen to metal, they recognize that some of it is good and I have no reason to keep what I listen to from my parents. For some reason, my mother wasn't that fond of the cover of Eisregen's Farbenfinsternis though. She said it was degrading to women. Stupid feminists.
My mother doesn't really give a shit. She used to when I was younger. She'd ask me if those bands I listen to worship the devil and I'd say "yeah, so what?" because I'm pretty much a badass. My dad always refers to the bands I listen to as "that celtic death rock stuff". He doesn't really understand the appeal of that kind of music but he and my mother are pretty much responsible for me getting into metal because he introduced me to Sabbath and Priest and my mom gave me a Metallica cd for my 9th birthday.

:cool: :cool: :cool:
Jrgen said:
While my parents don't listen to metal, they recognize that some of it is good and I have no reason to keep what I listen to from my parents. For some reason, my mother wasn't that fond of the cover of Eisregen's Farbenfinsternis though. She said it was degrading to women. Stupid feminists.

yea my mom's the same way