What does your family/parents think of extreme metal?

I don't. They focussed on giving a sense of right/wrong to us through being an example themselves. I never saw mom or dad do anything they didn't want me and my brother to do. We're the indoor street-smarts in a way.
My dad thinks its funny. My other family members are either unaware of it or don't care enough to actually listen to it. My non-metal inclined friends tolerate it and my metal inclined friends live off of it.
I remember how my parents reacted when they saw "Scorched Earth Erotica" video clip, my father said that people who play in the video are retarted satanist. For sometime they were curious about what I am listening to because they were worried if I would become a satanist or something else. Now they don't care about my music, they only say "Turn off that satanic music" if it's too loud. I heard that my father was listening to Black Sabbath but he gave up after finnishing his college.
We'll my dads allready 66 years old and in he's time he listend to Rock N' Roll so when i started Metal he was the first one to sit beside me and listen to it.

He did state the guitars are too heavy for he's ears though, but dont blame the man, alittle too old eh.
bluewizard said:
What does your family/parents think of extreme metal? My parents hate it, I'm not trying to correlate religion with music likes or dislikes by any means but if my parents knew I was listening to such songs by Emperor as "I Am The Black Wizards" "Inno A Satana", or Morbid Angel's "Rapture" they'd freak out as they're against anything that resembles anti-Christianity and magic(Wicca and Paganism included). I'm 18 now so I'll listen to what the hell I want to. I was watching the documentary 'Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" when the part on black metal came on and my Mom's familiar with my love for Emperor and my face turns blood red when they start talking about the church-burning by some of the members of the black metal bands and then my mom asks "Is black metal Satanic music praising the Devil?", I think "Oh, shit and say no, it's music that features screeching vocals while death metal uses death growls. Is your family similar to the way mine act?

Tell her music is just a bunch of notes and has nothing to do with praising anything
^ Haahaahaa

I used to listen to (selective)hip-hop not long ago, and my parents hated it. My parents don't know anything about metal though, and never say anything about the music I listen to.
Death Animal said:
My parents don´t realy care.
I remember listening Slayer in my room some years ago and my mom just sayd
´why that man has to shout so loud and wast`
Tell her that he has Tourettes, and that she needs to buy you all of Slayers albums to support his mental disability. :lol:
WHEN I lived at home my parents never really noticed I listened to extreme music. My mom did like Rammstein when I'd play their first couple albums. Don't know about the 3 latest ones though since I don't live there anymore.
bluewizard said:
What does your family/parents think of extreme metal? My parents hate it, I'm not trying to correlate religion with music likes or dislikes by any means but if my parents knew I was listening to such songs by Emperor as "I Am The Black Wizards" "Inno A Satana", or Morbid Angel's "Rapture" they'd freak out as they're against anything that resembles anti-Christianity and magic(Wicca and Paganism included). I'm 18 now so I'll listen to what the hell I want to. I was watching the documentary 'Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" when the part on black metal came on and my Mom's familiar with my love for Emperor and my face turns blood red when they start talking about the church-burning by some of the members of the black metal bands and then my mom asks "Is black metal Satanic music praising the Devil?", I think "Oh, shit and say no, it's music that features screeching vocals while death metal uses death growls. Is your family similar to the way mine act?
Tell your mom to shut the fuck up or VadimVon will eat her.
My parents are catholic so they'll just think it is "darkness" and "satan worship".

And it'll "bring things to the house".:lol:
my mom hates my music and would rather me be a sissy that listens to Celine Dion and Michael Bolton.

as for that show Metal: A Headbangers Journey, I haven't watched it with her. She has no interest in this type of stuff.