What does your family/parents think of extreme metal?

Let see... my father don't care at all, my mother thinks its a bit on the heavy side since she's mostly into rock. My younger brother plays black metal, my older brother got me into metal. As for too loud... well we have a fucking PA rig at home for vocal practice.... And satanism? got the satanic bible when i was 13 and it was my mother who bougth it
ALK said:
Let see... my father don't care at all, my mother thinks its a bit on the heavy side since she's mostly into rock. My younger brother plays black metal, my older brother got me into metal. As for too loud... well we have a fucking PA rig at home for vocal practice.... And satanism? got the satanic bible when i was 13 and it was my mother who bougth it

you lucky fuck
It's good to have a family who shares the same likings as you... Imagine this, in the car with you family, dad's driving along the highway safely, and everyone's headbanging to what's being played... Metal, of course...
They know i listen to metal for the music, not for ideology. My dad likes AC/DC, Black Sabbath and Motorhead.
ALK said:
Let see... my father don't care at all, my mother thinks its a bit on the heavy side since she's mostly into rock. My younger brother plays black metal, my older brother got me into metal. As for too loud... well we have a fucking PA rig at home for vocal practice.... And satanism? got the satanic bible when i was 13 and it was my mother who bougth it
I remember about sa year ago my parents had gotten onto my yahoo messenge and I was talking to LaVeyan Satanists becuase I agreed with their beliefs(I still do) and I got in trouble for it and grounded from the computer for a while. Now I get on a variety of what my parents wouold call "bad sites" such as Ex-Christian.net among other things, I also checked a book out yesterday in the college library about Atheism. I also haven't met anyone at colege who's into extreme metal and I didn't meet anyone in high school either. I wish I had a cooler roommate, he's a right-wing nutjob who said these exact words yesterday when ta;lking about politics "I love George W. Bush, I'm a Republican because that's what Christianity means to me in politics", he's so sappy it annoys me though I get along fine with him. He went to soem church thing called Monday School last night, I alredy applied for a private room next year so hopefully I won't have to deal with this shit again, i wish I had gotten a cooler roommate. One funny thing though I won't have to worry about walking in on him watching porn.:lol:
Krigloch the Incredible Bulk said:
:lol: the thing about bush
:lol: I agree, I think i may have made him sick to his stomach when I told him my views were more on the Libertarian spectrum and that I agree with gays getting married. i havent told him I'm for marijuana legalization, porn, free speech and freeedom of any religion or belief, and separation of religion and state otherwise who knows what may have happened.:lol: I still haven't told him I'm an atheist yet but why should I wear religious beliefs on my sleeve like he does. I heard him talking on the phone telling his girlfriend "We can't even pray at football games or graduation anymore, it just goes to show how moralless America has become". i just gotta put on some headphones, I can't listen to that all night.
Crapples said:
Haha, man. Forget the head phones. Crank up some Dying Fetus and watch him curl up in a ball on the floor shaking uncontrollable. :Saint:
I got some Nile so it'll have to be Cast Down The Heretic.:rock:
My mom and step-dad despise it (as does the rest of my immediate family, they're all a bunch of pop music junkies)--my real dad actually respects my taste in music; however, he lives about 1,000 miles away...
My mum liked it when I played along to Human but she preferred Martyr. Generally she doesn't like metal but respects some of its musicianship. Don't think my dad cares for it but he's not really into music and has no problem specifically with metal.
on a related note, here's me, my daughter, my son and one of the neighborhood kids at this years northwest deathfest featuring obituary and deeds of flesh:

and here's my daughter with trevor from obituary and her signed obituary flyer:

she was a happy little camper. i swear she never takes her deeds hoody off. but i do love the strange looks she gets from so called "normal" parents when we are at school functions. they try to say metal will ruin her, yet she's a 4.0 honor roll student in the accelerated class and a 2 year veteran playing bass in the jazz band!
I share some of my family members' musical tastes. It doesn't reciprocate. That pretty well covers it.

Metallica is about the only thing that comes close to being an exception. My dad took me to see them when I was 14 and said it was the most spectacular concert he'd ever been to (this was the Load tour as documented on the Cunning Stunts DVD, with all the pyro theatrics and such). And last year my mom asked to borrow some Metallica out of morbid curiosity. I lent her Master of Puppets and she claimed to really enjoy it, particularly "Battery."
hibernal_dream said:
My cat enjoys Xasthur

Holy shit my dog does to man, he always comes to my room when I'm playing The Funeral of Being. My cat seems to enjoy At The Gates for some odd reason.

My parents don't give a shit that I listen to extreme metal. They even support the music I make (mostly death metal) and always have enjoyed my the radicaly different views I have from then (e.g. religion). As long as I don't get into trouble the don't force any bullshit down my throat.