I met my SO at a Symphony X concert.

The guys I've dated in the past might have liked a band or two that I liked, but none of them really had a passion for music and they pretty much thought I listened to it too much and was maybe a little weird. Which was fine - I didn't require that they like my music. But now it is soooo nice to be able to share music with someone I'm dating.

My boyfriend just went to 4 Dream Theater/Queensryche shows with me. Of course he likes SX, and also Vanden Plas and Evergrey. I've been getting him into Threshold. One of the Dream Theater shows we went to was right on a river, and there was a bunch of little fountains in the area and an outdoor bar right next to the venue. When the show was over they started playing Awake at the bar and he said that it just doesn't get more perfect than that - seeing the show in such an incredible, and then being right on the water, having a drink, and listening to a bar playing Dream Theater afterwards... I don't think I should let this one go.

He also thinks that James LaBrie has a great voice.
As for my family - my dad thinks all metal and most hard rock is just a bunch of noice, and won't even try to listen to it. He loves classical and I think if he opened his mind just a little he might like *some* of the stuff I listen to at least. My mom doesn't really listen to a lot of music, but she does like some Rush, Queensryche, Pearl Jam, and even Black Sabbath that she's heard on the radio. I'm thinking of making her a disc for the next time I see her. My brother and I always shared the same tastes (Rush, Queensryche, some early 90s bands like Alice in Chains), but he won't listen to the stuff I've been recommending for him. I'm not exactly sure why he won't just take my word for it - I can't believe he wouldn't like Dream Theater, Symphony X, etc, if not all of it.