What Films Did You Watch This Week

CRUSADER747 said:
There was a sequel????
What is it called, i must have missed that one somehow :confused:
I have the first film on dvd, pretty good :Spin:

I think it was a straight to DVD job! but i really thought it was great...Anyway. Starship Troopers: Hero of the Federation

Those dickheads with opinions on that site (imdb) really piss me off!! If like me you dont care how many million was spent on a film you should enjoy the sequel, i liked it better for what it was than the first one!


I got all the dvds of "2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps" (like 5 series worth! bout 10 dvds) copied for me by me sisters fella, id never seen it before so ive been watching those! Pretty funny to watch whilst getting hammered on the old beer!!!
heavycelli said:
Rutger Hauer lives in my Provinz, so proud of that, only a few kilometers away from my house..saw him a few times in real so, very strange to see him in a movie..makes it so weird...

Wow Rutger Hauer is brill - he is ultra cool indeed. Did you ever go over and speak to him. You should get his autograph.
Twisted Tony said:
We had Shawn of the Dead on last night. Million Dollar Baby and Fever Pitch we rented a couple of days ago.

Shaun of the Dead is amazing. First time I saw it, I quite liked it, but I bought it a few months ago and I've probably watched it about 8 times - the more I watch it, the more I love it. Some really hilarious bits in it - in fact I must watch it again this weekend. Loved that bit in the garden when they start chucking the old albums at the zombie girl, the zombie is approaching fast and they start flicking through the albums discussing which ones to throw - "Dire Straits - Throw It". Its a brilliant film.
Sammi951 said:
Have seen both those films Princess. Both were ok, but give me a romantic comedy any day! Don't much like blood and gore/violence :ill:

I managed to see both Wolf Creek and Green Street during the week as well Sammi. Both were brilliant.

Wolf Creek - remind me never to go touring the Australian outback!!!!! Not much action until they get picked up by that stranger, but it was still ok. But my god how much of a maniac was that guy. He was a total psycho. And I'm not kidding see what he did to that girl with the dark hair, I've been having nightmares about it ever since, I cant stop thinking about it. I thought the fingers scene was quite bad but then what he did to her spine - oh it was just absolutely repulsive - quite hard going. I was squirming in my seat and it takes a lot to make me do that. Great film all the same.

Green Street - well for some reason I wasn't expecting it to be too great - but wow I absolutely loved it. Pretty similar to The Football Factory but it was much more violent and bloody. Some totally cracking fight scenes in it, plenty of extreme violence but the story was good as well as to how Frodo gets booted out of Harvard and ends up in a thug football gang in England. Yeah brilliant stuff - definitely a 10 out of 10 for that one.

Also saw Charlie Chocolate Factory which was quite good. Only reason I went to see this is cos Willy Wonka was one of my fav films when I was a wee lassie!!!!!! Johnny Deep is ultra gay looking in it. It was good but I still prefer the original one.
CRUSADER747 said:
Just seen Land Of The Dead!!! :zombie:
Great film, very gory for a 15 certificate :devil:
Check out the official website (its pretty good)

Yeah that was one quality film, did not dissapoint !! I hear the US dvd is out pretty soon and as i cant wait for the pal rls im gonna have to own it !!!

And yeah the website is cool ! i love the fps game! headshot heaven! lol
gotta try and save that little game to my hdd somehow!
CRUSADER747 said:
Im more used to playing games with a PS 2 controller rather than a pc mouse :yell:

Yeah the old n00b stick! lol, dont get me wrong i love my xbox and ps2 but for online gaming fps action the pc wins hands down, as long as you have the hardware for it.....or a wife that can provide the hardware! hehe

You ever play any games online CRU ?
Saw Land of the Dead the other night there. It was brilliant, tons of awesome killings, loads of blood and guts, definitely agree with Crusader very gory for a 15. Although I thought it was an excellent film, I was a wee bit disappointed cos I did not jump out of my skin once!!!!!! I was expecting to hit the roof a few times.

I was going to go see Revolver next but someone told me it wasn't up to much. Anyone seen it yet - I have to say I quite fancy it, so I'l lprobably see it at some point.

Two good ones starting this week here, Four Brothers and A History of Violence, both look fab, so will definitely see one of them over the weekend.

Trailer for The Exorcism of Emily Rose looks a right frightener. Love films about possession and I'm sure I read that book years ago, it looks really terrifying, so that's definitely another one I'm going to see as soon as it comes out.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Green Street - well for some reason I wasn't expecting it to be too great - but wow I absolutely loved it. Pretty similar to The Football Factory but it was much more violent and bloody. Some totally cracking fight scenes in it, plenty of extreme violence but the story was good as well as to how Frodo gets booted out of Harvard and ends up in a thug football gang in England. Yeah brilliant stuff - definitely a 10 out of 10 for that one.

The shame is that this film could and should have been even better if the director had listened to the people she had got involved as extras, and if Dick Van Dyke hadn't been the cockney voice coach/advisor on the film.
CRUSADER747 said:
I must have jumped about 4 or 5 times :yow:
Then again, there was only about 5 people in the cinema, and i was on my own, so i really got into the film :zombie:

LOL you must be a right woose then Crusader. No honestly I never jumped once and I really thought I would have crapped my load a few times but it wasn't frightening at all. Heheheh Crusader Jimmy Nay Mates 747 - we should have went to the flicks together then cos I saw the film by myself as well. There was only about 10 folk there - sometimes if I go myself and its a scary movie I always make sure I sit right up at the back so that no-one can sneak up and surprise me from behind but there was a few folk in the backrow, so I sat right near the front, 5th row, and I was thinking if this is a really scary film and I jump out of my seat a few times, I'm gonna look a right tit cos everyone would see me, so thankfully I didn't find it creepy at all.
Fingers said:
The shame is that this film could and should have been even better if the director had listened to the people she had got involved as extras, and if Dick Van Dyke hadn't been the cockney voice coach/advisor on the film.

:lol: I know what you mean, Fingers - don't you just hate all that "cockney wide boy" nonsense?!

As you know, I have my very own Paxoman from "darn Sarf", and he doesn't talk like that at all! Oh, except for when he's talking to a fellow Southerner... lol
Sammi951 said:
I have seen "A history of violence" Princess - it's a good 'un! Still too much violence for me though - but I think the title should have given that away, shouldn't it? :lol:

Was hoping to see it some time this week but have been too busy. I was really shocked when my sis said it was mince cos the trailers looked really great for it. Sometimes she recommends various DVDs saying they're brilliant and I get them out and they are chronic. We are like chalk and cheese. She has only ever seen 2 bands in her entire life - SIMPLE MINDS and just a few months ago COLDPLAY:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: I'll definitely see History of Violence but probably see 4 Brothers first, probably tomorrow night for 4 Brothers I think.
Paxoman said:
Why did the accent of the main boy in Green Street keep changing from cockney to Scottish to South African to goodness knows what?!!

LOL I never really noticed that Paxoman. I was watching something on telly the other night there, cant even remember what it was, but I noticed the same thing, he was talking with an English accent, then it sounded Scottish then sort of Irish. Very weird!!!