what gear does DT use, and what amps do you recommend for good metal tone?


New Metal Member
Dec 28, 2001
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i'm looking into buying a new guitar amp and i need some suggestions for an amp (brand and model) that will deliver a good distorted metal tone and will also give me a pretty good clean tone because i switch back and forth a good deal. any suggestions? what do you use, or what would you like to use if you got the chance? what does dark tranquillity use?

thanks for the help fellas, i appreciate it.
get a power amp ( a shitty marshall head works) and a Digitech 2120 with a good cabinet. the marshall 1960's are good.

a lot of bands use the peavey 5150 (the first model, not the new ones) for their tones, at least live they do. they seem to be the swedish metal amp of choice (though that's just what i've seen live).

you shouldnt buy something more than any good metal amp (Marshal, Fender...).
I dont know what DT use, but Katatonia's official site (.com) specified what they use. check it out.
This are all fine suggestions but what is your price range? If your balls drop to the floor when you see the prices i could recomend some cheap alternative that can get a semi good to almost professional sound for bargain prices.
Look in the "Archetypes" section to see what gear DT uses...in short, it's Gibbos for guitars and Marshalls for amplification.
Marshell Cab and what i did to get a good melodic sound that normally ''heads'' dont provide , was i bought a preamp. The Roctron Ganiac has a good combination of highs and lows. ;)
What I use:
Laney VH100R Head, awesome distortion and beautiful clean channel, has two drives as well.
Mesa Boogie Rectifier Cabs

Gibson Les Paul Gothic
Fernandes Monterey Elite Sustainer

DT uses: Gibson guitars (Les Paul)
Rocktron Prophecy and what I've seen Marshall Cabinets
About the amps:

I use a Marshall JMP-1 and a El 84 20/20 Tube Power Amp.
The name sounds tiny, but it's got a sound that is by far more huge than that of 50 or 100 watt heads I've heard.
A friend of mine has got the same and told me that he pushed their other guitarist's Warp7 through the wall...at only half throttle.
The advantage about low wattage is that you get that power amp thickening factor in your sound at reasonable (that is still not room level) volume - if you need more volume you'll mike it anyway.

The preamp provides some versatilityalthough not as much as a TriAxis - but it's absolutely sufficient. I can also recommend the ADA MP-1, which our other guitarist uses. It's got more harmonics and less bottom and is a bit noisy, but a noise gate will help.

As for cabs: Don't f/"& around with those standard Marshall 1960s - their Celestion G12-T75 speakers absolutely suck! Hissy treble and fuzzy bass, and way too indifferent!
The 1960AC or BC with Vintage Greenbacks are great, although mono only. But my faves are Marshall 1960AV or BV cabs that are loaded with Vintage 30s which gives you brute mids and bottom for that "IF-Colony sound" ;-) - they are a bit louder than other cabs also...

As for guitars I use a Fender AmStdStrat, an Ibanez JPM 100 B and as my fave a Gibson Les Paul Standard.

DT use Rocktron Preamps (Chameleon/Prophesy) and Rocktron Velocity Power Amps. Forgive me but I think you can notice that those Power Amps are Solid State - they sound thin!
I think there's some Marshall amp somewhere in our house. It's my father's so I'm not sure about the model. I've only played acoustic guitar. Should move amp and electric guitar into my room someday.
well, if you have SHITLOADS of money you could try and afford an ENGL. only played it once (the price was about 3000$. just the amplifier. no boxes.) and it was just :OMG:

i put in an ibanez 7-string and just switched the thingie on and the sound blew me away, it was awesome. then i found the depth-boost-switch. WOOOSH.

and then i found the second (which apparently was the REAL) depth-boost-switch. money could be a beautiful thing sometimes...

terria (in a capitalistic mood)