What has this place done to me....


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Watching ER, there was a spot with a kid who says to one of the female doctors "My friend says you're a MILF".....

First thing I thought of was ROYAL CARNAGE :tickled:

She then of course informed the kid she wasn't a Mother but a Doctor, so he called her a DILF. :tickled:
loo loo loo, ive got some apples
loo loo loo, youve got some too
loo loo loo, lets make some applesauce,
take off our clothes and loo loo loo
dunno wtf you're talking about dude, some of the episodes are fucking FULL SPEED AHEAD hilarious! some of them not so much, but they sure blow most of the rest of TV out of the water. i guess that's something like beating a bunch of amputees in a swimming competition, but funny is as funny... is. and Family guy is...really fuckin' funny!
they try too hard. 25% hilarious, 75% bullplop. well, maybe 40/60 during good episodes, but still.

arrested development = 98% funny, it takes that kind of ratio to get me to watch tv.