What I like

You may need to start using those aloe vera tissues for toilet paper though...

Chilli tissues would be a lot funnier though :heh: The squirts would be the only thing soothing the burn.

On a positive and far more hygeinic note... Dream Theater have announced the first Japan date on their Chaos In Motion tour for mid January. It makes sense that they'd be stopping in Australia not too long after that :D:D:D:D:D
I like how I haven't posted in this thread for sooo long eventhough i have plenty of things that I like on my mind these last few months.... [/sarcasm]

ooh.. waaaait, i found something!!! MY NEW COCONUT BODY SCRUB!!

So much for a quiet one last night.
On a positive note I think I just effectively proved the "hair of the dog" theory. More alcohol really does cure hangovers!