What If...... Nu-metal came out in 1987???

Weapon X

Raised to be Lowered
Jul 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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What if Nu-Metal craze came out in let's say 1987. What old metal bands would be labeled, falsely or rightly Nu-metal???

Rap Nu-metal Nominees:

Beastie Boys
Faith No More

Regular Nu-metal Nominees:

Suicidal Tendencies

Who would you nominate?

This isn’t suppose to be serious. So don't flame me. ;) :grin:
Helmet, a few years later anyway.

But yeh, the bands you mentioned are more complex than numetal.. not saying that they wouldn't get popular for that matter.... but... they didn't get mainsteam-level popularity... so.... I guess that's the point isn't it...
Lets see...nu metal of the 80's...

Would whats his name...Gary Numan...count? If not the name alone should. Ok, bad joke. But since FF did the song with a cheeseball rendition, it could validate it indirectly. I dunno.
Originally posted by xenophobe
Poison, Ratt, Motley Crue, Van Halen, etc... bla bla bla...


That's what I was going to say. But the Dave days of Van Halen better not be the Van Halen you have listed...:mad: If it's the Van Hagar days, I could give two shits because that's when they went shitty.
Well, I think the first three albums are great.... But I'd still have to list them, cause they were the most popular during those days.... Sorry... :p