What is Mikael Åkerfeldt's opinion on Metallica?

Deliverance Apparent

New Metal Member
May 29, 2008
The reason I ask is because I know EVERYONE has an opinion about them and how they have changed over the years. You either love em or hate. For me, Opeth and Metallica are my all time two favorite bands.

I know Mikael has played segments of To Live Is To Die(classic), but anyone know if he was ever a fan of them and would he ever tour with them in the near future. Seeing as how Death Magnetic comes out in September and Mikael should be better with his "Pox", its certainly possible for my two bands to play together in the US.

P.S. Mike, thanks for the great music. I loved Watershed.

Well when i went to see Metallica play in 2006, the day before an Opeth show in the same city, i met the guys there. They decided to head along to the gig and seemed to be enjoying it. At the Opeth gig the next day Mike mentioned that he was at the Metallica gig the day before and said they were amazing.
Mike's a musician who appreciates good music. I think he'd give props to the talent and their past accomplishments. People seem to let the whole Napster thing and the post-Load era overshadow everything else

Now whether or not he'd applaud the steamy pile of excrement known as St. Anger remains to be determined.

BTW - Metallica is still incredible live. How could you not go see them when they come around?
I have not gone to see them live, considering the fact, that they havent had a full tour in the US in almost 4 years. I will be front and center in the coming Magnetic Tour. I can always have my fingers crossed to see both Opeth and Metallica at the same venue.
They had a tendency to "appease" the fans live. They play the classics; you bang your head. It's a win-win situation. If you have never seem Metallica, you owe it to yourself to check them out.

Now, the real question is who do I go see if I have to choose one - Wallet dictates fun these days - and I think I'd choose Opeth. I really want to hear more of these Watershed tracks live. Heir Apparent on Prog Nation wass killer.

Hearing Hessian Peel or Burden live would trump an entire Metallica show.
Metallica is pathetic and has been for quite some time, and it has very little to do with the Napster debacle or the Loads (which I loved). I don't think I'd want to see Opeth tour with them.
What's your rationale for describing them as "pathetic?" Do their recent shortcomings and drama void the credibility of their work from Lightning to Justice?

I did like Load though. I just said "post-Load" era since that's when they really changed their style and appearance.

edit - You'll NEVER see Metallica offer a slot to Opeth. They wouldn't want to be upstaged.
metallica was my favorite band, theyre a classic, i listened to them all through high school(few years ago) but after the black album(i liked it i nthe day but not o much anymore) its all crap. it got me into them, but its just awful

old stuff is amazing thoguh, how can you like metal and not love old metallica
I used to be a HUGE Metallica fan but eventually I moved on to (lets face it) better and more progressive bands. I still listen to their early albums though. Songs like Fade to Black and Blackened is some of the best metal ever written.
Besides Opeths hole catalogue I regard "Kill em All"-"Justice for all" as the "holy" four-leaf clover than (imo) define the finest era in metal history. Not even the great Judas Priest era "Sad Wings"-"Hell bent" is stronger:).

Would be like a dream to see Opeth share stage with Metallica and maybe play Creeping Death and For whom the bells toll together (not so big chance maybe...).

edit - You'll NEVER see Metallica offer a slot to Opeth. They wouldn't want to be upstaged.

I guess you are right, havn´t seen them for almost ten year, but I remember that at least early Metallica used to have great band with them. Anthrax 86 (Cliffs last concert "here" in Stockholm:-(, Queensryche 88 (Operation Mindcrime tour, amazing gig!) etc.
I used to listen to a lot of Metallica until the release of the Black album, they lost me there when I saw Enter Sandman on TV! What a disapointing pop/rock platitude, I never got back to them. I haven't even heard what they did since then... Is it any good? Did they try to go back to the pre Black album era??
I like Metallica and it's cool to know that Mikael likes them too. And from what I've seen, they still play well live.
Mike makes one post and now we've got like 50 threads begging for his attention. Just let him make music, play live, chill and consult Steven Wilson about a new album (Please!)
Do their recent shortcomings and drama void the credibility of their work from Lightning to Justice?

No. Nothing they do today will ever invalidate their past accomplishments, but I just happen to think they've become a joke of their former selves.

Some Kind of Monster was nothing more than a gimmick as far as I'm concerned. There's something about the way they portrayed themselves in that documentary that I found unsettling. I lost a lot of respect for James, whose demeanor mirrored that of a fucking 5 year-old. Lars was being more so of a whiny bitch. And believe me when I say it had nothing to do with the fact that they showcased their emotions. It's always fascinating to see people exposing themselves. But what I saw just made me cringe.

Also, something is missing from their live performances, and I don't quite know what it is. They look tired. They lack the vibrancy they once commanded. Hetfield's vocals are atrocious. Lars is absolutely pathetic. Kirk's sloppiness continues to amaze me (although I must admit that lately he's been nailing a lot of his solos).

In my eyes, the aural holocaust that was St. Anger is unforgivable (i.e., the childish lyrics, the poor songwriting, and the abysmal production). The fact that they put their names on that atrocity is indicative of their mindset: that they can put out whatever they want without much consideration.

I hope Death Magnetic proves me wrong though.