What is the absolute shitties band in the world?

i know of a bunch of bands that would make you wanna killyourselves all you need its a way to get mexican local tv of my city the channel its called TeleRitmo and every goddamn band its ..... filthy crap. Lemme give you a picture imagine the WORST country music band you can imagine, then crap it up some more and it will begin to take the shape of the music people of my city likes....i can say that , for a lot of people, living in a city where people actually likes that music would make a lot of you misanthropic loners that go crazy and shoot everyone at school
I would say just about any rap group. I mean at least most bands out there including pop groups such as Backstreet Boys have a small amount of talent. But Rap is unoriginal (at this point) boring, talentless, ignorant, stupid. I can't stand anything that comes from rap. I hate the music, the attitude it creates, and the culture it brings out. I DO NOT hate black people, in case that is what you are thinking. But Rap is the most horrible form of music ever.
Originally posted by Morningrise
I would say just about any rap group. I mean at least most bands out there including pop groups such as Backstreet Boys have a small amount of talent. But Rap is unoriginal (at this point) boring, talentless, ignorant, stupid. I can't stand anything that comes from rap. I hate the music, the attitude it creates, and the culture it brings out. I DO NOT hate black people, in case that is what you are thinking. But Rap is the most horrible form of music ever.

you took the words out of my mouth :)
they hired this new girl at the cd store i work in who loves rap.....oh it was horrible-
friday was the first night i worked with her.
after litterally falling over flat with a huge stack of cds i felt like shit, so i opened anathema's "the silent enigma' to play. immediately somone came up and asked to hear POD. so this guy i work with took out my anathema and played some POD-when the guy who wanted to hear them left i was too busy ringing people up and helping people to run over and put anathema back in. so the new girl walks over, and in the most dramatic slow motion i look up and see she is putting in some various rap artists cd....not just any rap, BOOTY rap....i can tolerate and even like some rap, but not BOOTY or GANGSTA rap.
:cry: i felt horrible that night, first of all hearing the rap, and second watching my co workers all sing and laugh to the rap...
needless to say, i dont think i am going keep this job much longer.
Opeth. For sure.

Terrible band. They play 'hip-hop', just like morbid angel and spiral architect.

the SECOND worst band in the world is Death. I mean, anyone that plays electronic-pop is bad, but these guys are REALLY bad.

Originally posted by Evisceratrix
they hired this new girl at the cd store i work in who loves rap.....

...needless to say, i dont think i am going keep this job much longer.
i would imagine it sucks to work at a chain music store. i can't even shop there, much less work there. :cry:
Originally posted by Evisceratrix
BOOTY rap....i can tolerate and even like some rap, but not BOOTY or GANGSTA rap.

Booty rap, yes indeed. :tickled: That's funny.

There are purer- even spiritual - forms of rap. Unfortunately they are all but extinct now.

hmm, if there is a "booty rap" and a "gangsta rap" what other forms are there? There's "party rap" and there's the kind I listened to, closely related to "party rap" and distantly related to the other forms: reflexive or wisdom rap (for the lack of a better term). This rap is pure self-reference, flauntation, quasi-philosophical and even intellectual dialect (literally rap) and exhibitions of strength in the medium of words, rhyme and percussive meter.

But then again, who will forget the outstanding poetry of 2 live crew? "Me so horny" and the like?
Originally posted by Xtokalon
and there's the kind I listened to, closely related to "party rap" and distantly related to the other forms: reflexive or wisdom rap (for the lack of a better term). This rap is pure self-reference, flauntation, quasi-philosophical and even intellectual dialect (literally rap) and exhibitions of strength in the medium of words, rhyme and percussive meter.
like who?
I was walking down the street last night, and outside a cd store they were blasting Korean rap (let's just call it k-rap) on the speakers. It sounds ridiculous when they try and rap in Korean with an ebonics accent in the first place, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud when this wanker comes walking down the street the other way, and when he hears this k-rap he starts waving his arms like they do on the music videos. what a fuckin crap cake.
...crap cake...:lol:

Wow, that story about the co-worker putting the rap in. I have issues with being forces to stay in a building with rap playing. :rolleyes: I know. I need to get a handle on it. I can't have this get to me. It pisses me off though.

I go to this billiards room once and a while. The place has great tables and a great bar. The juke box selection needs help, but there's some good music in there that plays very well on many speakers throughout the joint.

But, when funk is on I can't hear anything else. I have a problem zoning it out and continuing my fun. It slowly goes down...down....down...until finally I'm pissed off and ranting about stupid rump shaker lyrics.

Yeah. After about an hour of listening to it, rap angers me...but I'm working on that. :p It's just noise. It's not really music.

But, hey! To each his own.
I've had just about enough of your rap bashing! You guys are just jealous because you're not hanging out with hot rap-video girls like they are :lol:

On a more serious not, I am quite disappointed with the evolution of rap. I am one of the many board members that grew up on a steady diet of rap. I too despise the culture it has created, one of apathy and misled angst. I long for the days of the politically driven rap, like Public Enemy. There was some real conviction in their lyrics (well at least Chuck D., the other guy was random) if you could get past the "kill whitey" appearance that was often associated with them.

I got a letter from the government
The other day
I opened and read it
It said they were suckers
They wanted me for their army or whatever
Picture me given' a damn - I said never
Originally posted by dune_666
I've had just about enough of your rap bashing! You guys are just jealous because you're not hanging out with hot rap-video girls like they are :lol:

On a more serious not, I am quite disappointed with the evolution of rap. I am one of the many board members that grew up on a steady diet of rap. I too despise the culture it has created, one of apathy and misled angst. I long for the days of the politically driven rap, like Public Enemy. There was some real conviction in their lyrics (well at least Chuck D., the other guy was random) if you could get past the "kill whitey" appearance that was often associated with them.

unfortunatly, i grew up and am still growing up listening to rap, i used to share a room with my brother which was good when we used to listen to metal (all the old stuff, Maiden, Megadeath, metallica etc.- all of which i never listen to or acknowledge now) and then suddenly he started listening to rap. so for a few years i was stuck having to listen to rap all the time. now hes moved out the room i can still hear him playing rap from his room. other than its downsides, i love to have a laugh by knowing more about rap than the some fans do, even though i hate it :lol: .

NP:*Gutworm - Twisted*
(if your from England and you haven't heard of Gutworm, please bow your head in shame :p )