What is the absolute shitties band in the world?

Originally posted by Xtokalon

There are purer- even spiritual - forms of rap. Unfortunately they are all but extinct now.

what other forms are there? There's "party rap" and there's the kind I listened to, closely related to "party rap" and distantly related to the other forms: reflexive or wisdom rap (for the lack of a better term). This rap is pure self-reference, flauntation, quasi-philosophical and even intellectual dialect (literally rap) and exhibitions of strength in the medium of words, rhyme and percussive meter.

are you thinking like, de la soul, digibal plantes, the roots, the beastie boys, jurassic five, black eyed peas (the last two are pretty new!) <---something along those lines? that is the stuff i like alright. i got the outkasts album 'atliens' when i was a freshman in highschool and it blew my mind. IMO, they are pretty original. hmm....i was hanging out with friends one night, and one of them was this crazy black dude who was carrying around his radio and a bunch of tapes...and he rode with me to my friends house and i played him some emperor. he thought emperor was alright-and he played me this guy NATAS, a satanic rapper...the shit wasnt too impressive but it was quite hilarious:
"i cant touch a bible, it burns me when i touch it, so fuck it!"

very funny. :p

you left out the most annoying form of rap ever created-there are like 20 sections in the rap area of my store of things like "BASS meckaninc" "BASS alien" "BASS explosion" "BASS speakers rattling"-and people buy these cds that are purely bass noises, to ride around and litterally blast it-but i still appreciate these people! if i want to play my metal loud as hell, which is definately something rude to do, i can justify it by saying im covering up their noise pollution. :cool:

haha i have a twisted way of rationalizing things....:)

but honestly, before id buy any rap cd id probably grab a traditional reggea something. i really love bob marley-his songs are fun to play and sing on guitar when your in a simple, sad and wistful mood. or to play trumpet with for that matter. and i like this dude ekk a mouse-i just have to be in the mood for it.

i would imagine it sucks to work at a chain music store. i can't even shop there, much less work there.

for the most part your right! :p ive been there over a year now though..and tons of little things like the promo cds i get for free, the very very cool schedualing, my buddist boss, the 30% discount i got on blackwater park when it came out(and everything else i buy for that matter....but ordering off the net puts cds at about the same price as my discount does. but im an instant gratification kinda gal! hehe), the HUGE identity sampler section ive built through constantly pushing those cds out of there (which ties in with just being in a position to expose people to the better metal out there) the fact that we got 'prometheus' in the day it came out, and best of all ----selling allllllllll kinds of opeth cds-i lost count at 20!!
these have always made it possible to endure the bad aspects....ahh this new company bought us a while back though and they are horrible, a lot of the perks are dissapearing...that is mainly why i want out of there.

and the metal store we had right in my area closed down anyways :(. too many goddamn coutnry fans here, remember? hahha. :)

Dune_666! where did that sexy skeletor avatar go?!?!?! awww!
Originally posted by Evisceratrix

Dune_666! where did that sexy skeletor avatar go?!?!?! awww!

Well, it was just so dam irresistable that I was literally beating away the women with a stick. To counteract this I've chosen something more low profile; now only Star Wars nerds will find me so attractive.
The worst bands i can think of are music industry dolls like westlife, backstreet boys, britney spears,... And i don't like rap either.

Don't misunderstand me, there are pop and hiphop acts that produce nice melodies or have even something to say. And I respect music that's sincere, even if i don't like it at all...
i hate a lot of bands....

but the ultimate worst is the cash in bands/singers. the people from Big Brother.. none of them can sing but loads of them tried to break it in the music industry.

The only thing i hate in any musician is lack of commitment or effort. In all music.. whether i like it or not i can appreciate the effort gone into making the music.

but for pure hatred of bands.... it cannot be anybody else other than Slipknot.....

Limp Bizkit?

I shudder at the thought.

They can be described in one word, methinks: ICK!

Another contender for the title of worst band should be Slipknot. They are what pop music would sound like if it was set to 'heavy' guitars.
Asking about who is the shittiest band in the world is like asking how deep are black holes... there's no end, and how would you know they were deep anyway? You may find a crap band and then something worse will come along (lol.) There is no end, man.
On the contrary, I think they have phat choones!


Yeah, you've just gotta admire their drum'n'bass ditties where Mikael Durst improvises his rap:

Uhuh... yo, mumma yeah... yo... uhu... graffiti... yo... cool.... fuck.... mutha.... shit... piss.... yo ... uhuh.

ha ha.

I think the peak of rap music is still yet to come. But its hard to say becuase, i mean, when you hear stuff like the new ludacris album it just makes you want to smash your stereo. But i think it is generally getting better. Anyone heard of prefuse 73? they use MC's with intelligent and complex changing beats and cut-up the vocals into bits and pieces.

For me, metal didn't start until the early 90's, anything before that i can't stand to listen to
I've never been a fan of 80's metal, the so called 'peak' of metal.
Pantera is always nice though.
Hey guys,

So long as this thread has become a make fun of rap thread, complete with caricatured lyrics, I thought I'd drop some lyrics from an "east coast ganster rap" song to make things more objective:

I got you stuck off the realness
We be the infamous
you heard of us
official queens-bridge murderers
the mob comes equipt for warfare beware
of my crime family who got nuff shots to share
for all those
who want to profile and pose
rock you in your face stab your brain with your nose bone
you all alone in these streets cousin
every man for they self in this land we be gunnin
and keep them shook crews runnin
like they supposed to
they come around but they never come close to
I can see it inside your face,
you're in the wrong place
cowards like you just get their whole body laced up
with bulletholes and such
speak the wrong words man and you will get touched
you can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee it will be your very last time breathin
your simple words don't move me
you're minor, we're major
you're all up in the game don't deserve to be a player
don't make me have to call your name out
your crew is featherweight
my gunshots will make you levitate
I'm only 19 but my mind is old
and when things get for real
my warm heart turns cold
another my pals deceased
another story gets told
it ain't nothing really
eh yo thugs spark the philly
so that I can my mind off these yellow bag my pals
why they still alive I don't know go figure
meanwhile back in Queens, the realness, the foundation
if I die I couldn't choose a better location
when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
gettin closer to God in a tight situation,
now takes these words home and think it through
or the next rhyme I write might be about you

Sonny shook
cuz there aint no such thing as half-way crooks
scared to death or scared to look. -- "Shook Ones" by Mobb Deep

Talentless or no? Mind you there is the delivery and the 'music'-all the changing beats etc.- that accompany the lyrics that aren't represented in text. My conclusion: pretty cool, especially for those who actually live in the ghetto. The medium that is rap gets boring real quick, but it's not completely mindless- some of it can be deep and passionately sincere-- and meaningful as a human artefact.