What is UP w/ this dead assed fucking board?


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
Visit site
Seriously, wheres all the activity at? The magadetH boards are all abuzz and never really dead and it's just sloooooow up in here. We owe it to the band to post more album, song, member, tour threads...come on ppl, get crackin'!

I'll start a thread up lets see where this goes..
This is why:

Give this to everyone you know:
GregadetH said:
Seriously, wheres all the activity at? The magadetH boards are all abuzz and never really dead and it's just sloooooow up in here. We owe it to the band to post more album, song, member, tour threads...come on ppl, get crackin'!

I'll start a thread up lets see where this goes..

I noticed this board is dead as well....

The street team thing will surely work. :rock:

I'll hand out that flyer. :wave:
Tad, when I tried to remove the flyer from my monitor, the damn thing shattered. As a result, I had to go and get a new monitor. You owe me $500 for the new one.:heh:

Damn near EVERY Deth Fan I know or have ever spoken to is a current Thrax fan...I think pll are for sum reason wary to show support for Anthrax for reasons unkown to me.
I have been MIA. Busy working, drinking, being in graduate school and raising a 1.5 year old son, etc.

I still read the board, just been too busy to post. Too busy:Puke: from the occasional overindulgence of Blatz....speaking of which, here is a link to some pix I took last year in Milwaukee, the day of the Anthrax concert. The day I also got Scott Ian's autograph. Cheers!!!

SCott308 said:
Tad, when I tried to remove the flyer from my monitor, the damn thing shattered. As a result, I had to go and get a new monitor. You owe me $500 for the new one.:heh:

Sorry, dude.
Vomit - those pics look like you guys had a good time.

This board is been a little slow. Maybe everyone's been on vacation. or maybe everyone's pissed off at me for giving a thumbs down to the tour with DIO. Oh well could be worse they could be touring with Ozzy. :lol:
Hello my ho's and bro's! as alwalys I'm around doing my best to support the boys. Yes I still make the occasional odd post . But Ive been busy working my fingers to the bone at a new job (the pay is shit but I love it) . Besides guess which Trax Fan got accepted as a nypd. As far as it being slow on the board, Well thats Brent and Justins department for new shit, updates etc.. But you can count on little ol me for pointless shits and giggles. Besides Darbysdad, where the fuck is Alexstomp. Metal maiden, and Buddy love bomb. auntiesocial where ya been girl..... Whats the deal with street team support for the Dio tour here on the east coast?
Congrats, Prime!
For now, use this if your printer has a lot of ink. I will contact mgmt about more Street Team support.
Use a silver sharpie to write in the date/venue in the space at the bottom of this: